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Simple Mesh Modding

SethPDA edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 8 revisions

Changing Simple Meshes


  1. Open Asset Studio

  2. You need to select the LocalData folder of the game

    File-> Extract Folder-> X:SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel\LocalData

  3. Select a folder where to extract. Mine will be at: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MasterDuelMod\GameExtract Let it do it's thing, it will take a while to decompress the game. The whole thing is about 10GB uncompressed. I suggest you don't even move the Asset Studio window while it's doing its thing. For me, it froze all the time like that. If it still freezes for you, try again by re-opening it. If it still freezes, then you don't have enough RAM in your PC.

  4. When it's finished, go back to Asset Studio, and then

    File-> Load Folder-> Select the folder you just extracted. In my case it's X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MasterDuelMod\GameExtract

  5. In Asset Studio switch from Scene Hierarchy tab to Asset List tab. Find the thing you want to mod. In my case, I would like to change how the mate base looks.

    At the top of the window, click on:

    Filter Type-> Mesh

    and also click on

    Filter Type-> Texture2D

You can sort them by name as well and you can further filter them. I'm just going to sort it by name and look for an asset called AvatarStand_002_near.

If you click on an asset, you can preview it in the preview pane.

  1. Now open Unity and create a new project with the empty template called 3d corethen open it.

  2. Go back to Asset Studio and go to

    Options -> Export Options

    and set the Group exported assets by dropdown to: container path

  3. Select the files you want and press Export -> Export selected. In case of mesh editing, you'll need the mesh and most of the time the texture too.

  4. After you exported the files, import the mesh into the Unity project.

  5. Now go and do any edits to your mesh in a modelling program. If you want, you can entirely replace the mesh but make sure when you save to replace the .obj file that is inside the Unity project to replace it. Now you'll see your new edited mesh in Unity. You can also edit the texture in Photoshop or something but that doesn't need importing back into Unity.

  6. When you imported the mesh you need to set a few things up. Click on it, and tick Read Write Access, untick Optimize Mesh.

  7. In order for Unity to properly build the assets drag and drop your mesh file into the Unity scene and save it. This is to make sure so that Unity builds our mod files.

  8. Go to

    File -> Build settings ->

    Add the scene you just saved to the build

    Platform: PC

    Target Platform: Windows

    Architecture: x86_64

    Compression method: LZ4

Leave everything else untouched.

Press Build and choose a folder where to build the files. In my case it's X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MasterDuelMod\MyModProjectBuild Please note that at this point you might encounter building errors. I will not include fixes for those errors in my guide since there are plenty of tutorial out there for that kind of thing anyway.

Optional step 14. Open your now built mod's Data folder. In my case it's: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MasterDuelMod\MyModProjectBuild\TestYugioh_Data and open the file called data.unity3d with Asset Studio >File -> Load file -> > >X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MasterDuelMod\MyModProjectBuild\TestYugioh_Data\data.unity3d

  If everything done correctly, you'll see your mesh in the asset list.
  1. Now we have our assets built. Now we need to use them. Open up UABEA and open the unity3d file I previously mentioned. Press to decompress it in memory.

  2. You'll have a bunch of files there but our main concern is the sharedassets0.assets file. Select it and press Info.

  3. A new window will open where you'll see the assets Unity built for us. We need ONLY our Mesh. Find the mesh from the list, click on it and press Export Raw and also Export Dump . We need both in order for it to work.

  4. We can close the unity3d file from UABEA.

  5. Now let's figure out which file we need to replace

  6. Go back to Asset Studio and right click on the mesh you want to replace and select Show original file. This will open File explorer with the file selected. This is the file we need now.

  7. Open the previously found file in UABEA. It will ask you to decompress the bundle. Just decompress it into the memory.

  8. At this point we have two items in the dropdown.

  9. Select the long numbered item with no extension. (There is one with .resS extension and the other has no extension). Press Info

  10. a. From the list in the new window, select your mesh that you want to replace. Press on Import Raw and select the raw file you exported before at step 17. Then press Import Dump as well. Then go to File -> Save

  11. Close this window and you will see that the long numbered file has an asterisk at the end. This means it's been modified. press File -> Save again in the main window

  12. Congratulations on your first Master Duel MOD! Now open the game, and check it out! Have fun!

If for some reason the texture is black in-game, then go back to Step 24 and instead of Importing Raw and Dump for the texture, press on Plugins -> Edit Texture, and then Load the required texture, then save everything.

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