Hajimari no Kiseki Jisho is a Japanese-English dictionary/quick reference for various terms and menus in the Japanese version of Trails into Reverie (創の軌跡). The goal of this project is to assist you in learning and memorizing new words as you play the game. You can use this dictionary online or offline via the following links.
- Online: https://sethclydesdale.github.io/hajimari-no-kiseki-jisho/
- Offline: Download
If using offline, simply extract the folder, open the index.html file in the browser of your choice, and you're ready to go! As a bonus, you can set the folder icon as a cute little Tio by using tio-lg.ico located under aeon-system > images.
Primarily my goal is simply to provide a quick reference for words/phrases commonly encountered in the game's user interface and menus. As these are the things you will be running into quite often, thus easier to memorize. This is what is currently included in the dictionary, separated into sections:
- General Terms
- Field/UI
- Quick Travel
- Dialogue Options
- Camp Menu
- Notebook
- Battle UI/Terms
- Craft, Art, and Item Info
- Brave Orders
- Equipment and Quartz Terms
- Master Quartz Abilities
- True Reverie Corridor Terms
- Character Viewer UI
- Options
I probably wont include story vocabulary, since you can already use Zero Field's amazing spreadsheet to look up terms in Jisho!
Outside of the game you can use Anki to memorize new words. Personally, I never really liked Anki, so I made my own tool for studying vocab in various exercise types at my own pace, with multiple choice being my favorite method. If using this tool, I recommend the following:
- Take incrementally longer break periods between exercises. Starting at 5min breaks and increasing by 5min each time until you hit your personal limit, such as 30min or 60min. This will aid with memorization.
- If having trouble memorizing readings, keep the furigana visible for at least the first 3 exercise sessions, then take it away and only display it when you cannot remember the reading AT ALL.
- Limit yourself to a set amount of words per day. Personally, I feel 10-20 to be the sweet spot, but everyone is different, so take it a little at a time and don't overwhelm yourself or rush.
- Find material to read that utilizes the vocab you're studying to help further aid with memorization.
Best of luck!
- The anonymous person who gifted me the Hajimari no Kiseki Platinum Meister edition. This project would have never happened if not for you, nor would have I experienced this wonderful game. THANK YOU!
- Kitsune547 and the Zero Field team for their amazing spreadsheet! I got to experience this story and learn plenty of new words along the way while using it. Thank you for your hard work!!
- Maki and Aion for their help with the unbalance kanji readings.
- Meaning Book for their excellent explanations on Japanese game slang and so forth that you can't find in normal dictionaries.
- Falcom for all the amazing games, music, and of course, Tio Plato.
- And the best for last, Tio Plato for being the absolute best and giving me the motivation to push onwards <3