Web Application Book Store
Software Engineering / Scrum Agile Team
1-Ivan alberti 2-Martin 3 Luis Alvarez 4-Walter 5-Randy 6-Ricardo
Here is the repository for the Angular UI https://github.com/Server101/textbookstore-ui
In this branch the SQlite configuration was created in the application.properites folders and pomxl.
The new dependencies is Spring data Jpa, rest repository web, (Sql lite, and sqlite-dialect)
The database is embedded it uses sqlite 3.0.
Use SQLite Studio to access the database. Once installed simply select the file path for .db location.
Download here https://sqlitestudio.pl/
Creating API: The api creation involves 4 features:
- The .java table entity (always save in models folder)
- The Repository.java (Saved in folder repositories)
- The rest controller .java (Saved under controller)
- The actual database table which is stored in bike.db. The table must follow the same entities described in the .java file created in models folder.
see examples of user.java, userRepository.java, userController.Java, user table in database.