A litte tower defense game with Rust and Bevy engine. It's my first litte game project, only to learn Rust/Bevy.
Base defense concept:
There is one Base board and one defense board
there are resources you can earn in power plants/factories and spend in defense
The game is over if you have no more resources and if you can't get positive count of resources again after a countdown
Energy (produced by power plants and gets stored in main base building)
Materials (produced by factories, factories need energy) (- Buildings and towers have levels)
Base has own defense system and if it got hit by an enemy, it will consume resources to defend. If there are no resources anymore, the game is over.
Base consumes energy constantly. If there is a specific time no energy, the game is over
Base has level, towers get unlocked with base level
Destroing an enemy results in a little reward of materials
- Shift: Show all tower ranges
Enemies sometimes drop special items on death
Advanced road traffic system
Special event waves
tower self-destroy mode: kills evey enemy on board
Random special items:
- Bomb dropping
- More temp. tower damage
- Slower enemies
- Wave ticker ✓
- Z-Layer Shots ✓
- Enemy resource drops at death ✓
- Building/tower costs ✓
- fast forward function ✓
- tank enemy type ✓
- game over countdown ✓
- spawn anti collision system
- anti enemy collision system (enemys getting slower if one slower enemy is before them) ✓
- improve enemy collision system
- Tower Target System: target setting
- Soundsystem: Background Music, Ingame Sounds
- Upgrade system