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Setting up a Spacebrew Server on your computer

james tichenor edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 5 revisions

Desktop Client

One of the easiest way to setups Spacebrew is with the desktop client. You can download it below, unzip it and it makes an app that opens a Spacebrew admin interface and starts a server on your machine. You will need to know the local ip address of your machine for the client apps to point to it.

Full Server

Setting up your own space brew server is easy and fun and it can make it much easier when you are making things to connect lines without having to find your publishers and subscribers among so many and you can set one up so you can work on Spacebrew where ever you go without connecting to the public sandbox.

1. Download the files

There are two ways you can download the space brew server. or contained withing the Mixed Reality Hardware Toolkit. Once you have downloaded the folder or cloned it from github navigate to the folder you have downloaded. With the Mixed Reality Hardware Toolkit go to this folder within Spacebrew -> spacebrew-master

2. Install Dependencies

  • Download and install Node.js
  • Clone the repo from github
  • Install the dependencies using node packaged modules
    • npm install

3. Run the Server

  • Open terminal and navigate to the base directory of the Spacebrew server
  • Run the server by using node node_server_forever.js

node_server_forever.js vs node_server.js The first of these two files runs node using the forever-monitor node utility. This utility relaunches the spacebrew server if it crashes and it saves logs of the standard output from the Spacebrew server to log files in the data/logs directory.

4. Find your local IP address

you will need your local ip address to point the Spacebrew admin interface to the local Spacebrew server. There are a number of ways you can find out your local IP address. One the works on OSX on the terminal is to use ifconfig |grep inet this will print out a number of IP address your local one typically starts with 192.168.. you can also look it up via system preferences. Don't forget that your are looking for your local IP address not your external IP address.

5. Point the Spacebrew admin to your server

Open up the Spacebrew Admin Panel and in the URL at the top of the page change where it says to your local IP Address so it reads This will now be pointing at your server

6. Test it out

To test it out quickly and easily I would open up the sliders example here: Spacebrew Sliders again in this URL change where it says to your local IP Address so it reads This will now be pointing at your server. If it works you should now see this show up in your Admin panel with 3 publishers and 3 subscribers. If not the most likely troubleshooting is to test the IP addresses, especially if you have used a Spacebrew server other than sandbox your browser may autofill and you can have the wrong IP so just double check

7. Enjoy

That's it, now you can enjoy your server and connect away to your hearts content or share the address with users on the same network and have fun with friends.

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