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How to be a Project keeper

Alex Romanova edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 1 revision

Unsure where to start? Don't get the whole picture? Become a Project keeper! At least while you explore Telescope.

A Project keeper's task is to be aware of what is going on in Telescope as a whole. You know how we have sheriffs? You are somewhat like a sheriff but without a week limit.

Start being a Project keeper

As you are new, you are unaware of many parts of Telescope. There is no other way to explore it, other than doing what a Project keeper does. Or, you know, reading some instruction that a previous Project keeper made for you already. There will be many new areas that nobody yet understands except that single person who's working on implementing the new idea. Your task is to be the noob and ask that person to explain:

  • What are they doing?
  • What to install to get involved?
  • Where is the new code?

As you learn that information, all that is left for you to do - write it down. After you have it documented everyone else has the ability to easily understand the new concept. As you discover and document new areas, eventually you might find something specific that you'd like to work on. That is why it's a great starting role.


There needs to be at least one keeper present to keep the projects updated. Documentation might seem boring, and not everyone enjoys that. However, for some, documenting and organizing is not about satisfaction, but is about eliminating annoyance and irritation when you see something clearly wrong. At least it is for me, @sirinoks.

You don't need to know specifics, but you should be aware of what is going on in the project. A good way to follow Telescope is to be present in Triage and Planning meetings. There is usually a lot of information being said that simply gets lost in time. Another way, as mentioned is to bug people. Thankfully, in the open source course community participation is encouraged, so you're only winning by asking questions and showing your involvement.

You are the connecting glue of Telescope. Whenever a person from a completely different area needs to find out something from an unfamiliar to them area - you should be the one with a basic idea to guide that person, or at least give them a direction to follow. You migh want to communicate with each week's sheriffs as they lead the meetings. Perhaps there is some input you would like to share during those meetings. Sheriffs are only there for a week, however someone in Telescope has to decide where the priorities lay. As you are the one aware of your current progress and your future direction - you get to steer people where you think it's best.


  • Organize new ideas into GitHub projects
  • Assign lables to issues and PRs
  • Rewrite issues that are too vague or have poor structure
  • Make issues whenever you find an improvement to be made
  • Selling issues. Compiling lists of issues to offer to people. Could be thematic issues (bugs, tests, visual improvements). Could be easy issues (for hacktoberfest, for example). Could be just interesting issues (ones that include going in a completely new direction nobody has explored yet!).
  • Update Wiki pages + sidebar
  • Write documentation as you learn something new
  • Bring structure into chaos
  • Leave information for the next generation keepers (Make an issue as you end your post)
  • Come up with ways to improve the development process!
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