(C) 2020-2021 by Semiring Inc., Damir Cavar
Package version 0.8.4
This repository provides the Go package jsonnlp for reading and writing JSON-NLP Schema conform data. JSON-NLP encodes outputs from Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines, functioning as some form of a middleware.
JSON-NLP wrappers for the output formats from various NLP pipelines are available:
- Flair and Flair-JSON-NLP
- Polyglot and Polyglot-JSON-NLP
- spaCy and spaCy-JSON-NLP
- Xrenner and Xrenner-JSON-NLP
- Stanford CoreNLP
- OpenNLP
Many other wrappers and modules likely exist or will be made available.
JSON-NLP processing and validation modules exist for other languages as well, as for example:
- Java: J-JSON-NLP
- Python: Py-JSON-NLP
Install the jsonnlp Go package using:
go get github.com/SemiringInc/GoJSONNLP
Update to new version using:
go get -u github.com/SemiringInc/GoJSONNLP
There is a visualizer for JSON-NLP available here: https://semiringinc.github.io/JSON-NLP-Viz/