Selfkey sdk for third party integrations written in Node.js
Requires Node version 10 or above
npm install --save @selfkey/node-lib
const sk = require('@selfkey/node-lib');
or ES6 syntax
import sk from '@selfkey/node-lib';
- auth/generate-access-token
- auth/generate-challenge-token
- auth/generate-nonce
- auth/validate-access-token
- auth/validate-challenge-token
- auth/verify-challenge-signature
- did/parse
- did/resolver
- identity/attribute-manager
- identity/repository
- identity/utils
- jwt/constants
- jwt/issue
- jwt/parse
- jwt/validate
- key/hmac
- key/rsa
- key/validate-private-key
- kycc/get-user-data-for-token
- kycc/kycc-integrations-client
auth/generate-access-token~generateAccessToken(did, algorithm, secret, [expiresIn])
⇒ Promise.<string>
Generate access token
Kind: inner method of auth/generate-access-token
Returns: Promise.<string>
- jwtToken
Param | Type | Default |
did | string |
algorithm | string |
secret | string |
[expiresIn] | string |
"'1h'" |
await sk.auth.generateAccessToken(did, 'rsa', 'secret')
auth/generate-challenge-token~generateChallengeToken(did, algorithm, secret, [expiresIn])
⇒ Promise.<string>
Generate challenge token
Kind: inner method of auth/generate-challenge-token
Returns: Promise.<string>
- jwtToken
Param | Type | Default |
did | string |
algorithm | string |
secret | string |
[expiresIn] | string |
"'30m'" |
await sk.auth.generateChallengeToken(did, 'rsa', 'secret')
Generates base64 encoded random string
Kind: inner method of auth/generate-nonce
Returns: Promise.<string>
- nonce
Param | Type | Default |
[length] | number |
64 |
await sk.auth.generateNonce();
Validates access token
Kind: inner method of auth/validate-access-token
Returns: Promise.<object>
- decodedToken
- If token is invalid
- if subject is not did
- if token type is not access
Param | Type |
token | string |
algorithm | string |
key | string | Buffer |
await sk.auth.validateAccessToken(token, 'hmac', 'secret');
Validates challenge token
Kind: inner method of auth/validate-challenge-token
Returns: Promise.<object>
- decodedToken
- If token is invalid
- if subject is not did
- if token type is not challenge
Param | Type |
token | string |
algorithm | string |
key | string | Buffer |
await sk.auth.validateChallengeToken(token, 'hmac', 'secret');
Validates challenge Signature
Kind: inner method of auth/verify-challenge-signature
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- is valid signature
- key not found in resolved did document
- if no registered verifier for that key type
Param | Type |
nonce | string |
signature | object |
did | string |
await sk.auth.verifyChallengeSignature(nonce, signature, did);
Parses did string to components
Kind: inner method of did/parse
Returns: object
- parsedDid
- if invalid did is provided
Param | Type |
did | string |
- did/resolver
~registerMethodResolver(method, resolver)
Kind: inner constant of did/resolver
Name | Type | Description |
eth | object |
eth did resolver |
sekfkey | object |
selfkey did resolver |
Checks if a resolver exists for that particular did
Kind: inner method of did/resolver
Returns: boolean
- isSuppored
Param | Type |
did | string |
sk.did.isSupported('did:selfkey:0xdsdasddasdsa...'); // true
sk.did.isSupported('did:eth:0xdsdasddasdsa...'); // true
sk.did.isSupported('did:unknown:0xdsdasddasdsa...'); // false
Resolves did document
Kind: inner method of did/resolver
Returns: object
- didDocument
Param | Type |
did | string |
await sk.did.resolve('did:selfkey:0xdsdasddasdsa...');
Register custom resolver for a did method
Kind: inner method of did/resolver
Param | Type |
method | string |
resolver | object |
sk.did.register('new-method', resolver);
- identity/attribute-manager
- static
- .AttributeManager
new exports.AttributeManager()
- instance
.zipAttributesWithRequirements(attributes, [requirements])
.validateOneAttribute(attr, requirement)
.validateAttributes(attributes, requirements)
- static
- .AttributeManager
- inner
- static
Kind: static class of identity/attribute-manager
- .AttributeManager
new exports.AttributeManager()
- instance
.zipAttributesWithRequirements(attributes, [requirements])
.validateOneAttribute(attr, requirement)
.validateAttributes(attributes, requirements)
- static
Creates an instance of AttributeManager.
Adds a new repository
Kind: instance method of AttributeManager
Param | Type |
repository | identity.Repository |
Remove a repository
Kind: instance method of AttributeManager
Param | Type |
repository | identity.Repository |
Finds a repository for a given attribute
Kind: instance method of AttributeManager
Param | Type |
attr | object | string |
Given an array of attributes and requirements, tries to much between them
Kind: instance method of AttributeManager
Param | Type | Default |
attributes | Array |
[requirements] | Array |
[] |
Given an attribute and requirement validates the attribute
Kind: instance method of AttributeManager
Param | Type |
attr | object |
requirement | object |
Given a list of attribute and requirements, validates all attributes
Kind: instance method of AttributeManager
Param | Type |
attributes | Array |
requirements | Array |
Creates an AttributeManager and initializes it with selfkey repository
Kind: static method of AttributeManager
Param | Type |
options | object |
Attribute Manager, manages multiple repositories of attributes
Kind: inner class of identity/attribute-manager
- identity/repository
- static
- .Repository
new exports.Repository([config])
- instance
.resolveJsonSchema(schema, [config])
.resolveUiSchema(schema, [config])
⇒.validateData(schemaId, data)
- static
.fromConfig(config, [ui])
.fromSchemaId(schemaId, [ui])
- .Repository
- inner
- static
Kind: static class of identity/repository
- .Repository
new exports.Repository([config])
- instance
.resolveJsonSchema(schema, [config])
.resolveUiSchema(schema, [config])
⇒.validateData(schemaId, data)
- static
.fromConfig(config, [ui])
.fromSchemaId(schemaId, [ui])
Creates an instance of Repository.
Param | Type | Default |
[config] | object |
{} |
Resolve all repository data
Kind: instance method of Repository
Resolve one JSON schema
Kind: instance method of Repository
Param | Type | Default |
schema | object | string |
[config] | object |
{} |
Resolve one ui schema
Kind: instance method of Repository
Param | Type | Default |
schema | object | string |
[config] | object |
{} |
Creates an Ajv validator for the repository data
Kind: instance method of Repository
Returns: Ajv instance
Given schemaId and data, validates the data based on relevant schema
Kind: instance method of Repository
Returns: object
- {valid:boolean, errors: array}
Param | Type |
schemaId | string |
data | object |
Creates a repository initialized with selfkey data
Kind: static method of Repository
Param | Type | Default |
[options] | object |
{} |
Creates and preloads a Repository from a config object
Kind: static method of Repository
Param | Type | Default |
config | object |
[ui] | boolean |
false |
Creates and preloads a Repository based on attribute schema id
Kind: static method of Repository
Param | Type | Default |
schemaId | string |
[ui] | boolean |
false |
Repository Class allows to load identity attribute repository and validate schemas
Part of identity
Kind: inner class of identity/repository
- identity/utils
~resolveAttributeFiles(all, fileProcessor)
~denormalizeDocumentsSchema(typeSchema, value, documents, maxDepth)
~normalizeDocumentsSchema(typeSchema, value, documents, maxDepth)
~schemaContainsFile(schema, maxDepth)
~fetchJson(url, options)
~dereferenceSchema(schema, options)
Map list of attributes to schema name
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Returns: object
- an object with attribute name as keys
Param | Type | Description |
attributes | Array |
array of identity attributes |
Given a attribute data object and a file processor, process all files in the data object
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Returns: object
- a new attribute data object with processed files
Param | Type | Description |
all | data |
or part of the attribute data object |
fileProcessor | function |
Given a attribute data object and an array of documents, insert the documents into the data object where they are referenced from
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Param | Type | Description |
typeSchema | object |
a json schema object |
value | object |
an attribute data object |
documents | array |
an array of documents |
maxDepth | integer |
max search depth in attribute data object |
Given a attribute data object export all documents from the object to a separate array, leaving documnent references behind
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Param | Type | Description |
typeSchema | object |
a json schema object |
value | object |
an attribute data object |
documents | array |
an array of documents |
maxDepth | integer |
max search depth in attribute data object |
Check if schema contains a file
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Param | Type | Description |
schema | object |
json schema object |
maxDepth | integer |
maximum depth to search for in the object tree |
Fetch json from remote server. Optionally specify max number of attempts to do on failure (3 by default)
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Returns: Promise.<object>
- json loaded from server
Param | Type |
url | string |
options | object |
async sk.identity.utils.fetchJson('', {maxAttempts: 10});
Given a scheme object, load all references from the schema And combine into one json schema object
Kind: inner method of identity/utils
Returns: Promise.<object>
- dereferences json schema object
Param | Type |
schema | object |
options | object |
jwt/issue~issueJWT(subject, requestedAlgorithm, secret, [expiresIn], additionalClaims)
⇒ Promise.<string>
Issue a new JWT token
Kind: inner method of jwt/issue
Returns: Promise.<string>
- jwt
- if unknown algorithm provided
- if secret deemed as not secure enough
Param | Type | Default | Description |
subject | string |
sub claim | |
requestedAlgorithm | string |
signature algorithm | |
secret | string | Buffer |
secret key for signature | |
[expiresIn] | string |
"1h" |
longevity of the token |
additionalClaims | object |
claims to include in the token |
sk.jwt.issueJWT('simple-session', 'hmac', 'test');
Parse a JWT token
Kind: inner method of jwt/parse
Returns: object
- decodedJwt
Param | Type | Description |
token | string |
jwt token |
Validate a JWT token
Kind: inner method of jwt/validate
Returns: Promise.<(object|null)>
- decodedJwt
- if unknown algorithm provided
Param | Type | Description |
token | string |
jwt token |
requestedAlgorithm | string |
algorithm name |
key | string |
the key to validate the token against |
sk.jwt.validateJWT(token, 'hmac', key);
- key/hmac
~generateHMACKey([length], [encoding])
~generateHMACKey(secret, [encoding])
Generate a HMAC Key
Kind: inner method of key/hmac
Returns: Promise.<(string|Buffer)>
- key
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[length] | number |
64 |
key length in bytes |
[encoding] | string |
"base64" |
the output encoding of the key |
Calculate the bytes length of secret key
Kind: inner method of key/hmac
Returns: number
Param | Type | Default | Description |
secret | string |
[encoding] | string |
"base64" |
the input encoding of the secret |
Generate a RSA Key Pair
Kind: inner method of key/rsa
Returns: Promise.<object>
- keypair - contains publicKey adn privateKey
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[length] | number |
4096 |
key length in bytes |
Checks if secret length is good enough
Kind: inner method of key/validate-private-key
Returns: boolean
- - isKeyLongEnough
Param | Type |
key | string |
algorithm | string |
- kycc/get-user-data-for-token
~getUserDataForToken(token, options)
Fetch user data via token
Kind: inner method of kycc/get-user-data-for-token
Returns: Promise.<KYCCUserObject>
- user object
- if no instanceUrl in options
- if no templateId in options
- if invalid token
- if invalid user for token
Param | Type | Description |
token | string |
jwt token |
options | GetUserDataForTokenOptions |
async sk.kycc.getUserDataForToken(token, options);
File Processor
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/get-user-data-for-token
Name | Type |
stream | boolean |
process | function |
{ stream: false, process: (file, id) => file }
Options used in getUserDataForToken function
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/get-user-data-for-token
Name | Type |
instanceUrl | string |
templateId | string |
fileProcessor | FileProcessor |
User Object
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/get-user-data-for-token
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
id of user in KYCC |
attributes | object |
map from attribute id to attribute value |
id: '5ddd5b1656fbcef0dd389637',
attributes: {
firstName: {
id: '5d076f0a315423134405cbc4',
label: 'First Name',
required: true,
schema: '',
valid: true,
value: 'first-name'
lastName: {
label: 'Last Name',
id: '5d076f20315423f5db05cbc6',
required: true,
schema: '',
valid: true,
value: 'last-name'
email: {
id: '5d13577f72089544cb86cda7',
label: 'Email Address',
required: true,
schema: '',
valid: true,
value: ''
- kycc/kycc-integrations-client
~listUsersFn(filters, fields)
~getUserFn(userId, fields)
~listApplicationsFn(filters, fields)
~getApplicationFn(applicationID, fields)
~changeApplicationStatusFn(applicationID, statusCode, note)
~invalidateApplicationAttributesFn(applicationID, attributes)
~invalidateApplicationQuestionsFn(applicationID, questions)
~addApplicationQuestionFn(applicationID, question)
~addApplicationAttributeFn(applicationID, attribute)
~applicationAddAttachment(applicationId, attachmentType, attachment)
~updateApplicationFn(applicationID, update)
~getFileFn(fileId, options)
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<Array.<KYCCUser>>
- users
Param | Type |
filters | object |
fields | Array.<string> |
const users = await kyccClient.users.list();
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<KYCCUser>
- user
Param | Type |
userId | string |
fields | Array.<string> |
const user = await kyccClient.users.get("asdasdasdas");
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~listApplicationsFn(filters, fields)
⇒ Promise.<Array.<KYCCApplication>>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<Array.<KYCCApplication>>
- applications
Param | Type |
filters | object |
fields | Array.<string> |
const applications = await kyccClient.applications.list({templateId: 'sdasdasdsaa'}, ['managers', 'currentStatus']);
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<KYCCApplication>
- application
Param | Type |
applicationID | string |
fields | Array.<string> |
const application = await kyccClient.applications.get("asdasdasdas");
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~changeApplicationStatusFn(applicationID, statusCode, note)
⇒ Promise.<KYCCApplication>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<KYCCApplication>
- updated application
Param | Type | Description |
applicationID | string |
statusCode | integer |
note | string |
(optional) |
const application = await kyccClient.applications.changeStatus("asdasdasdas", 8, 'testing status change');
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~invalidateApplicationAttributesFn(applicationID, attributes)
⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<string>
- OK/Error
Param | Type | Description |
applicationID | string |
attributes | Array.<string> |
a list of attribute ids |
await kyccClient.applications.attributes.invalidate("asdasdasdas", ["sdasdasdsa", "dsadasdasdasd"]);
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~invalidateApplicationQuestionsFn(applicationID, questions)
⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<string>
- OK/Error
Param | Type | Description |
applicationID | string |
questions | Array.<string> |
a list of question ids |
await kyccClient.applications.questions.invalidate("asdasdasdas", ["sdasdasdsa", "dsadasdasdasd"]);
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<string>
- Created/Error
Param | Type |
applicationID | string |
question | KYCCQuestion |
await kyccClient.applications.questions.add("asdasdasdas", {
description: "test question",
label: 'test',
question: 'what would you say about test?'
optional: false
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~addApplicationAttributeFn(applicationID, attribute)
⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<string>
- Created/Error
Param | Type |
applicationID | string |
attribute | KYCCAttribute |
await kyccClient.applications.attributes.add("asdasdasdas", {
description: "test attribute",
label: 'test',
schema: ''
optional: false
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~applicationAddAttachment(applicationId, attachmentType, attachment)
⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<string>
- Created/Error
Param | Type |
applicationId | string |
attachmentType | string |
attachment | Document |
await kyccClient.applications.attachments.add("sdasdasda", "credential", {
buffer: Buffer.from('text file value', 'utf8'),
mimeType: 'text/plain',
filename: 'credential.txt'
kycc/kycc-integrations-client~updateApplicationFn(applicationID, update)
⇒ Promise.<KYCCApplication>
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<KYCCApplication>
- updated application
Param | Type | Description |
applicationID | string |
update | object |
application update object |
await kyccClient.applications.update("asdasdasdas", {
attributes: {
"sdasdasdsa": { value: 'updated value' }
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Returns: Promise.<KYCCApplicationFile>
- file contents
Param | Type |
fileId | string |
options | object |
await kyccClient.files.get("asdasdasdas");
Create KYC-Chain integrations api client
Kind: inner method of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Param | Type |
options | KYCCIntegrationsApiOptions |
const kyccClient = async sk.kycc.createKYCCIntegrationsClient(options);
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Name | Type | Description |
description | string |
label | string |
question | string |
optional | boolean |
options | Array.<string> |
for select |
type | string |
one of: input, checkbox, select, date |
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Name | Type | Description |
description | string |
label | string |
optional | boolean |
schema | string |
json schema id, one of |
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Name | Type |
buffer | binary |
mimeType | string |
filename | string |
KYC-Chain application object
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
KYC-Chain integrations api client
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Name | Type |
applications.list | listApplicationsFn |
applications.get | getApplicationFn |
applications.update | updateApplicationFn |
applications.changeStatus | changeApplicationStatusFn |
applications.attributes.add | addApplicationAttributeFn |
applications.attributes.invalidate | invalidateApplicationAttributesFn |
applications.questions.add | addApplicationQuestionFn |
applications.questions.invalidate | invalidateApplicationQuestionsFn |
files.get | getFileFn |
const applicationId = "some application id";
const application = await kyccClient.applications.get(applicationId);
await kyccClient.applications.changeStatus(applicationId, kyccClient.statuses.APPROVED);
Options used in createKYCCIntegrationsClient function
Kind: inner typedef of kycc/kycc-integrations-client
Name | Type |
instanceUrl | string |
apiKey | string |
- Login with Selfkey for kycc user
- Login with Selfkey for direct integrations
- Marketplace integrations with kycc as middleware
Copyright (c) 2018 SelfKey Foundation