fast - German - Natural Language Processing in PHP that answers in JSON
- Put those files in one dir
- Empty the Memory.php file
- index.php?q=your%20german%20sentence
- get the answer in JSON ...
For Example
Request: index.php?q=Ich%20bin%20ein%20Programm
Answer: {"UserIP":"::1", "Satz":"Ich bin ein Programm", "Satztyp":"Aussage", "nlp_time":1606482482, "nlp_string":" ", "nlp_array":[{"Wort":"Ich","Grammatik":[{"POS":"PPER","Grundform":"ich"}],"POS_Summe":["PPER"]},{ "Wort":"bin","Grammatik":[{"POS":"VAFIN","Grundform":"sein"}],"POS_Summe":["VAFIN"]},{ "Wort":"ein","Grammatik":[{"POS":"ART","Grundform":"eine"},{"POS":"PTKVZ","Grundform":"ein"},{"POS":"CARD","Grundform":"ein"}], "POS_Summe":["ART","PTKVZ","CARD"]},{ "Wort":"Programm","Grammatik":[{"POS":"NN","Grundform":"Programm"}],"POS_Summe":["NN"]}]}
Satztyp (sentence type) = Frage (question) | Aussage (statement) | Befehl (command)
Find the possible NLP-Tagger-Codes in POS and POS_Summe (for meaning watch the STTS_Tagset_Tiger (1).pdf)
And just for fun, the Question-Answer-Machine:
- Save short Informations-Sentence: frage_antwort_maschine.php?q=Statment
- Question to Informations: frage_antwort_maschine.php?q=Question
- Get the Answer ...
- To delete the Session frage_antwort_maschine.php?q=&refresh=1
but, a warning, this Question-Answer-Machine is not ready and the machine creates a lot of errors depending on some of the possible sentences that exists in german! You can try to fix them all :D even, "wenn ... dann ..." is not there, and, maybe, if you add syllogisms as conclusions by a number of sentences, with the same subject or object, like Modus Barbara, Modus tollens, "Transitive Relationen" and all those things, please show me the result :(
Do what you like, feel free to change anything ... you can delete the file if you want
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