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@VocationalSebastian-s @TechnicalSebastians @SmartPotTech @EngineeringSebastian-s @PepperTechDev

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Hi 👋, I'm Sebastian L

A passionate Backend developer and Data Analyst from Medellín, Colombia


About Me

I am a self-taught individual with a strong drive for knowledge and a keen interest in my field of study. My research and analytical skills have been instrumental in my learning process, which has encompassed a diverse range of knowledge, with a particular focus on the technological area. This has led to the development of a passion for knowledge and a recognition of the value of education in my personal and professional development.

I’m currently pursuing Computer Engineering degree at the Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid in Medellín, Colombia. As part of my studies, I am focusing on various areas such as Software Development, Data Analysis, and Software Design. My goal is to deepen my knowledge in programming languages like Python, Java, and C++, as well as in computer systems, databases, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

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  • 2019-2021
    High School with Specialization in Computer Science I.E. Inem José Félix de Restrepo

  • 2020-2021
    Assistant Software Development Technician (Technical Medium)
    Institución Educativa Pascual Bravo

  • 2022-2023
    Software Programming Technician

  • 2022-2027 (In Process)
    Computer Engineer
    Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid

Technical Skills

  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JS
  • Web Programming: PHP, JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Intermediate Programming: Python, Java, C, C++
  • Version Management: Git (GitHub)
  • Data Management: SQL, NoSQL
  • Data Analysis: Power BI, Basic and Advanced Excel
  • Data Preprocessing: Python (Pandas), REST API Management
  • Statistics: Applied to Engineering

💻 Tech:


Java Python C C++ PHP JavaScript C# VBA TypeScript Google Apps Script Assembly

Frontend Development

HTML CSS3 Bootstrap React TailwindCSS Qt Bricks Builder

Backend Development

Django Node.js Spring FastAPI Laravel

Data analytics

Pandas TensorFlow Power BI Tableau R D3.js NumPy Microsoft Excel Plotly.js


MicroPython Thonny ESP32 Arduino Wokwi


MySQL MongoDB PostgreSQL MariaDB Redis SQLite H2


Docker Bash Git NGINX GitHub Actions GitLab CI/CD


JUnit PyTest Postman

Backend as a Service

Firebase Heroku Render Netlify GitHub Pages Cloud Redis MongoDB Atlas

Other tools

Linux Zapier Azure Zoho Deluge Git Figma Replit Anaconda Jupyter Notebook

🌐 Connect with me:

CodePen LinkedIn Stack Overflow HackerRank FreeCodeCamp Replit Docker WakaTime GitLab Platzi

📊 GitHub Stats


Sebastia's GitHub stats-Light

WakaTime Stats

GitHub Streak

Sebastian's GitHub stats-Dark

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Snake animation

Repositories of Computer Engineering

Throughout my Computer Engineering degree at Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid, I have worked on various projects that showcase my growth in key areas of computer science. These repositories reflect the knowledge acquired through courses in programming, databases, operating systems, artificial intelligence, and communication networks. They demonstrate practical solutions and experiments with current technologies like Java, Python, MongoDB, Docker, and more.

Each project highlights my hands-on approach and ability to tackle complex problems, underpinned by a solid theoretical foundation from my academic courses.

DB2 GitHub stats-Dark SistemasOperativos GitHub stats-Dark
ARQH GitHub stats-Dark TLP2 GitHub stats-Dark
TLP1 GitHub stats-Dark Grafos GitHub stats-Dark
Arboles GitHub stats-Dark Polinomios GitHub stats-Dark
MatricesDispersas GitHub stats-Dark SemioticaInformatica GitHub stats-Dark
AP4 GitHub stats-Dark SistemaDeNotas GitHub stats-Dark
AP3 GitHub stats-Dark AP2 GitHub stats-Dark
AP1 GitHub stats-Dark CarSpace GitHub stats-Dark

Repositories of TechnicalSebastians

This space is dedicated to the projects and learning I've acquired during the Software Programming Technique course at IUSH. Throughout this course, I have developed projects that showcase my proficiency in different programming languages and technologies such as C#, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, and HTML/CSS. The following repositories represent the work I have done, including tools like Apache, Composer, and Docker. These projects reflect my growth in software development, ranging from web applications to system tools.

Each repository demonstrates my hands-on experience and my ability to create practical solutions, emphasizing both backend and frontend development, as well as the application of best practices in the software engineering process.

VideoToAscii GitHub stats-Dark SitePersist GitHub stats-Dark
CalculadoraNasa GitHub stats-Dark AdminSitePersist GitHub stats-Dark

Repositories of VocationalSebastian-s

This space is dedicated to my projects and learning in the Software Programming Technical High School at Pascual Bravo, in collaboration with INEM. Through this educational program, I have developed a variety of projects that have helped me strengthen my skills in programming, using languages such as HTML, PHP, Visual Basic .NET, Java, and Python. These repositories represent practical applications and experiments with various programming concepts and technologies, showcasing my ability to create both functional and creative solutions.

TheCompanyDream GitHub stats-Dark InstintoAcuatico GitHub stats-Dark
BitMapConvertColor GitHub stats-Dark BingoExcel GitHub stats-Dark
CalculadoraJava GitHub stats-Dark PositionHorse GitHub stats-Dark
GuiaPython GitHub stats-Dark DimensionCube GitHub stats-Dark

Repositories of SmartPotTech

SmartPot is a personal project that integrates IoT technologies to automate and optimize the management of hydroponic gardens, focusing on crops like tomatoes and lettuce. This system has been developed across multiple courses, such as Hardware Architecture (using ESP32 for IoT processes), Software Design (creating the web portal with React, Node, and design patterns), and Programming Languages Workshop 2 (developing the API with Spring Boot). Over time, the project has evolved significantly and now has its own dedicated organization to manage its expanding features.

SmartPot-API GitHub stats-Dark .github GitHub stats-Dark
SmartPot-Web GitHub stats-Dark SmartPot-DB GitHub stats-Dark
SmartPot-IoT GitHub stats-Dark SmartPot-Middleware GitHub stats-Dark
SmartPot-DataAnalytics GitHub stats-Dark SmartPot-DataGenerator GitHub stats-Dark

Pinned Loading

  1. EngineeringSebastian-s/ARQH EngineeringSebastian-s/ARQH Public

    This repository contains the work and projects developed for the Hardware Architecture course, where various programming technologies and embedded systems are explored. Through different exercises,…


  2. EngineeringSebastian-s/TLP1 EngineeringSebastian-s/TLP1 Public

    This repository contains work and projects from the Programming Languages Workshop (TLP) course, focused on applying Java knowledge in algorithms and programming through practical projects. It cove…


  3. EngineeringSebastian-s/TLP2 EngineeringSebastian-s/TLP2 Public

    This repository contains the projects developed in the continuation of the Programming Languages Workshop (TLP2) course, where Java is used with Spring Boot, Maven, Thymeleaf, and Validation to cre…


  4. EngineeringSebastian-s/DB2 EngineeringSebastian-s/DB2 Public

    MongoDB, Spring Boot API & Full-Stack App. Includes a backend REST API with MongoDB, JWT, and Docker, and a frontend with Node.js, Vite, and TypeScript. Both apps are dockerized and deployed on Ren…


  5. SebastianLopezO SebastianLopezO Public

    Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate Backend Developer and Data Analyst from Colombia. In this repository, you'll find an overview of my background, technical skills, and projects that sh…

  6. EngineeringSebastian-s/SistemasOperativos EngineeringSebastian-s/SistemasOperativos Public

    This repo contains exercises from an Operating Systems course, using Kali Linux and Ubuntu. It includes practice with memory management algorithms (paging, segmentation, virtual memory), process sc…
