⭐ This is Boyang Xiao (/ˈʃaʊ/)
, you can also call me Sean. I am now a graduate student focused on Electrical & Computer Engineering in University of Southern California. This is my Github homepage to accomadate my Course projects/ Individual projects/ Study notes.
🏫 Before USC, I got my Bachelor degree of Engineering from Tianjin University in Tianjin, China. I was then majored in Optic-elctrical Information Engineering. After graduating from TJU, I had been working an Software Devlopment Engineer in Wuhan HGLaser Engineering Co.,Ltd. It was actually a fun job. My co-workers and I collaborated to build a computer-aided manufacturing(CAM) software using C++ on Windows
🧑💻 Right now, I am working with DeepUSC Research Group in USC as a Software Engineer, where I am a part of the projects for some real cool web applications for Machine Learning research! Oops... I can't tell more about it! But you can look forward to our products very soon!
🌐 My interests mainly focus on full-stack web developments. I have actually developed some quite interesting apps that you can find links below. The main techniques I use are React.js, Express.js, Vite, Webpack and MongoDB. RESTful APIs are my major styles but I also switch to GraphQL if I am in a right mood😄 Please check out my repos and make your contributions if you find them interesting too!!
👋 Anyway, it's a great pleasure that you clicked in my profiles. I'm Sean and nice to meet you!
- ABLATOR Dashboard
- ABLATOR Homepage
- Phostgram web app
- Player League Management Microservices
- DeepUSC Research Group homepage
- Google Clone
- Programming languages: C/C++, Javascript, Python3, MATLAB Javascript, HTML/CSS, SQL
- Front-end: React.js, Vite
- Back-end: Express, REST APIs, Webpack, Flask
- Database: MySQL, MongoDB, DynamnoDB
- Linux: Except for daily development on Linux, I had a project which modified the Ubuntu kernel (TCP protocol part) and comiled it
- Dev/Ops: AWS, GCP, Docker, Netlify, Render, Heroku
- MATLAB: DSP, Deep Learning and Image processing.
- Python: Pytorch, Backend dev
- Swift: IOS development.
- Music/Guitar(?): Seems that every SDE can play some music huh?😄 Listen.
- Phostgram web app: MERN stack, React, Express, MongoDB, Image CDN, User account management...
- Player Mangement APIs: Express, Nodejs, REST API, MongoDB...
- React.js Development: React18, Vite, Node.js, Webpack, HTML/CSS...
- Trojan Map: Graphs, Path searching, Travelling Salesman, Topological Sorting...
- IoT-based Tracking System: Flask-based Web app, GoogleMap component, IoT interactions, DynamoDB
- Web Dev: Front-end trio:HTML/CSS/JS, Flask-based web deployment, MongoDB
- DNA Sequence Alignment Algorithm: C++ dev, Object oriented designing, DP algorithm
- IOS album app: Developed on XCode, using Swift, Video pre
- Image Processing Projects: Main image processing algorithms and Deep learning, CNN, Green learning...
- MongoDB notes: MongoDB tutorials, NoSQL backgrouds
- Git operations: Git basic usages, Branches management, Git workflows
- Leetcode Notes: Leetcode solutions, Basic algorithms, Fancy algorithms, sorted by basic data-structures.
- Algorithm Anaysis notes: USC CSCI-570 2022 fall course notes.
- Building a network model on AWS: Creating AWS VPC, instances and building a Server-Router-Client model on AWS servers