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Lorenzo Verri edited this page Dec 28, 2021 · 5 revisions

Upgrade notes

  1. Run the evo files against the DB
  2. Restart the service

Setup guide

The guide assumes you are running on a unix environment.

Software prerequisites

The following software is required to get the application up and running:

  • Git
  • Docker (v17+)
  • Curl, unzip utilities

Get the S&C code

  • Clone the two repositories
git clone
git clone

Service dependencies

In order to execute S&C, you will need the following services running on your system:

  • MongoDB (v4+)
  • OpenElevation

Preparing your dependencies using docker environment

The maintained approach is to use the provided docker-compose file, included in the SeC repository. Alternatively, you can run all containers by yourself.

Method 1: Docker-compose

cd SeC/docker
docker-compose up

All dependencies shall be now up and running.

Method 2: Docker commands

Run the following commands to get the images up and running:


docker run -d --name local_mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo


  • First, download the SRTM250m dataset in a new data folder:
mkdir data && cd data && curl --output 

(Alternatively, if Curl is not available, download manually in ./data folder) Then unzip the package:

  • Finally, run the docker container while including the dataset:
docker run -t -i -v $(pwd)/data:/code/data -p 8080:8080  openelevation/open-elevation

All dependencies shall be now up and running.


Now that the dependencies are up and running, you are ready to compile and launch the S&C components.

The service

  • As for SeC service, modify the to fit your system requirements, then follow the file.

The Frontend

  • In order for the frontend to run, the service must be first up and running
  • To execute the frontend, follow the file in the SeC-Frontend folder

Application Properties

The properties are contained within the file

The following application specific properties are available for customization:

Property name Description Allowed values E.g
service.altitude.port Open altitude port integer 8080 Open altitude host string http://myhost database name string sec
db.uri database uri string mongodb://localhost:27017 instance unique identifier string cai_bologna_i_1
instance.realm realm identifier string cai_bologna
instance.hostname self identifying ip address string 123.456.789.012 address at which the user client can validate a sent report string
storage.path local system path to create the filesystem structure to store files string /opt/my-path local system path to create the temporary files string /tmp/
security.enabled whether the security rules should be enabled. A keycloak instance is required to work with enabled security boolean false
security.disabled.user-roles user mapping to run application test with disabled security. The format must be [user]/realm=[realm] string mario/realm=S&C
jobImage.batchsize number of images to be compressed for each job run
integer 10
keycloak.realm realm name string SeC-Test
keycloak.auth-server-url server url string http://localhost:8080/auth/
keycloak.ssl-required - string 10
keycloak.resource resource id on keycloak instance string "backend"
keycloak.public-client - boolean true
keycloak.confidential-port - string 10
keycloak.truststore Keystore path string /absolute/path.xsy
keycloak.truststore-password Password to access the keystore string 10