Made by Scr1pp3d - This checks invites and tells you which ones are valid and which ones aren't.
This was made by Scr1pp3d with the following:
- colors (to change the text colour)
- dialog (for dialog box (doesn't work))
- node-bash-title (to change the name of the console)
- pkg (to package the file into an .exe file)
- prompt-sync (do ask the user a question (asking for the links)
- puppeteer (for web scraping and checking if the invite is valid)
- Go on releases and download the most recent one.
- Extract the .zip file.
- Click on the app for your device. (windows = app-win) (mac = app-macos) (linux = app-linux)
- It should hopefully start working.
- Any issues, contact me on here or on roblox: - username: scr1pp3d - link:
- Click on the app for your device. (windows = app-win) (mac = app-macos) (linux = app-linux)
- Paste the links (REMEMBER - RIGHT CLICK TO PASTE, CTRL+V WON'T WORK AND CTRL+C WILL CLOSE THE PROGRAM) - NOTE: Don't worry if the link looks weird, it's most likely fine.
- Wait for the results if this takes longer than 3 minutes, it might not work at all (unless you just have really bad WIFI)
- roblox: (username: scr1pp3d)
- github: