msacbulkimport is a .NET Core utility that allows users to import multiple users to an organization or team.
It is intended as a demo for how to use the App Center REST API for account management. No warranties about its correctness or performance are offered, but best-effort has been made to ensure that it runs correctly.
msacbulkimport uses .NET Core 3.0, which you can download from Build the project by running
dotnet build msacbulkimport.csproj
or by using your favorite editor or IDE.
The input file is expected to be a list of email addresses, one-per-line, with no headers or other information.
For example:
Lines that are not email addresses will be shown as errors in the output file, and ignored.
All output is shown in the terminal window, and also written to an output file. By default, this file is called bulkimportresult.txt
Invite users to an organization:
msacbulkimport --apitoken <myApiToken> --organization My-Organization-Name --organizationrole member --inputfile C:\MyPath\userfile.txt
Sample output:
>.\msacbulkimport.exe --organization Scotts-org --organizationrole member --inputfile C:\MyPath\users.txt --apitoken XXX
msacbulkimport - Microsoft App Center Bulk Import utility Sent invitation to join organization. Sent invitation to join organization. Sent invitation to join organization. Sent invitation to join organization.
notvalid: Error: doesn't appear to be a valid email address.
notvalid@notvalid: Error: doesn't appear to be a valid email address. Sent invitation to join organization.
Invite users to a team (they must already be in the organization):
msacbulkimport --apitoken <myApiToken> --organization My-Organization-Name --team My-Team-Name --teamrole member --inputfile C:\MyPath\userfile.txt
Sample output (with one user who has not accepted the invitation to join the organization):
>.\msacbulkimport.exe --organization Scotts-org --team "Team-1" --teamrole member --inputfile C:\MyPath\teammembers.txt --apitoken XXX
msacbulkimport - Microsoft App Center Bulk Import utility Added team member. Error: failed to add team member; {"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"The user with the email \"\" is not a member of the organization \"Scotts-Org\""}}
notvalid: Error: doesn't appear to be a valid email address.
notvalid@notvalid: Error: doesn't appear to be a valid email address.
Show help:
msacbulkimport --help
msacbulkimport /?
(required) The API token for your organization
(required) The name of the file containing email addresses of users to import
(required) The name of your organization (i.e. the slug used in AppCenter URL's)
The organization role for new collaborators; either admin, collaborator, or member
The name of the team (i.e. the slug used in AppCenter URL's), if adding team members
The team role for new team members; either admin, collaborator, or member
The name of the output file; default is bulkimportresult.txt
--help | /?
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