TMSPS - TrackMania Server Plugin System
TMSPS is a .Net based plugin system for the trackmania nations forever dedicated server.
Current Progress:
- All RPC Methods are implemented type safe
- All Callbacks are implemented as type safe events
- ChatBot Plugin
- IdleKick Plugin
- NameProtectionBot Plugin
- KickUnrankedPlayer Plugin
- TMX-Plugin (add tracks from ingame and retrieve information of it)
- Clock Plugin
- Static UI Plugin
- Checkpoint Plugin
- Admin Player Plugin (NextMap, Restart Map, Kick Sepcs, Kick, Guest, Ignore, Ban, Blacklist, ForeceSpectator, BanList-UI, IgnoreList-UI, GuestList-UI, BlackList-UI)
- Spectator Plugin (command for getting a list of spectator & commmand for kicking all spectators)
- Dedimania Plugin (record List UI, Best Dedi UI)
- Live Rankings UI
- Track Karma UI
- Donation Plugin
- Restart Plugin
- Competition Plugin
- Local Records Plugin (SQL-Database + FlatFile-DB (Beta), UI - PB, RecordList, Best local)
- Podium Screen widgets (HoursPlayed, MostTop3RaceResults, MostTop3Records, TopWinners, TopRankings)
- MySQL support for LocalRecords
- a lot more... ;)