Utility to download MP4 videos and individual MPEG-TS segments for varying resolutions off a Cloudflare Stream HLS manifest URL.
- ✅ Download video and segments
- ✅ List available resolutions & manifests
- ✅ Upload support
- ✅ Count number of segments
go install github.com/Schachte/cloudflare-stream-downloader@master
- Make sure you have Go installed on your system - download here
- Make sure you
values are set correctly
go install github.com/Schachte/cloudflare-stream-downloader@master
cloudflare-stream-downloader <HLS MANIFEST URL>
cloudflare-stream-downloader --manifestUrl <HLS_MANIFEST_URL> --output <absolute path to output folder>
#If an output path is not provided then it will be saved to the directory where the binary is executed
For building the binary, see section below on Builds & Releases
or download latest release here.
You can grab the HLS manifest from the Cloudflare Dash as shown in the image below:
In case you wish to download an embedded video on a different site and you don't have the access to the Cloudflare Dash, get to the frame's source code, find the poster url in the following format https://customer-<CODE>.cloudflarestream.com/<UID>/thumbnails/thumbnail.jpg
and replace thumbnail/thumbnanil.jpg
with manifest/video.m3u8
. Example URL: https://customer-f33zs165nr7gyfy4.cloudflarestream.com/6b9e68b07dfee8cc2d116e4c51d6a957/manifest/video.m3u8
cloudflare-stream-downloader --manifestUrl https://.../manifest/video.m3u8 --outputPath <absolute path to output folder>
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Cloudflare Stream Downloader::
▸ Download video and segments
List available resolutions
Count number of segments
🚫 Exit
✔ Download video and segments
📋 Listing all available resolutions for video UID: f92743594bb2d9471c8ef80b9437c1ff
0) 766x360
1) 510x240
2) 🚫 Exit
📼 Select resolution: 0
🌱 Beginning download for [766x360]
10% complete
20% complete
30% complete
40% complete
50% complete
60% complete
70% complete
80% complete
90% complete
Video output:
Segments output:
ffplay ./f92743594bb2d9471c8ef80b9437c1ff/766x360/f92743594bb2d9471c8ef80b9437c1ff.mp4
You can also run the latest builds for all operating systems by running: make all