This is an opinionated template for spinning up a dask cluster based on docker.
First clone this repo.
Then navigate to your aws console cloudformation dash -> create stack -> choose a template -> Upload a template to Amazon S3 -> choose file -> then navigate to this dask-ecs-template.yaml file. In the web portal you can configure to your liking.
from dask import bag as db
import distributed
client = distributed.Client(address="[YourDaskServer:Port]")
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
c = o: o*2)
f = client.compute(c)
Creates logs in cloud watch. The log group name will be the name you gave the cloud formation stack.
To view logs use the cloudwatch web interface or awslogs:
awslogs get [log group name] -w
The cluster is wide open in terms of network connectivity. Use at your own risk.
The current configuration uses a custom ami image (ami-2505a35f) which is only available in us-east-1 region.
If you are using the p2.x class of machines for your cluster, you may need to request a resource limit increase based on your region:
If you are attempting to use dask locally, you should take care that your local python dependencies exactly match the versions deployed to the cluster. One convention Im using to manage this is by maintaining a requirements.txt file associated with each docker container. See Which was used to build the container: sayreblades/dask-ecs:python35
For building AMI's for use with ECS... putting these here for future reference:
For building GPU (p2.xlarge) instance on ecs:
- add optional security
- add a cuda ready image for each region