This is a small and cute little project that allows your computer to translate any message to the "language" pig latin! Pig latin is a language in which every word of your message is altered. To use it, take the initial consonant or consonant cluster of each word and move it to the end of the word while adding an "ay" to the end as well. Right now it prompts you to chose what mode you want, either simple where it moves 2 letters and adds an "ay", custom where is asks you to specify how many letters you want moved, and makes you choose what letters to add at the end of each word, or classic where it does exactly what is says on Wikipedia. The algorithm for detecting consonant clusters is very laggy, so feel free to add your own code and improve the program!
Initially, the program asks you:
Type your message in English:
Once you have typed your message it will ask:
Do you want simple Pig Latin (simple), custom Pig Latin (custom), or classic Pig Latin? (classic):