Custom-plotting is a python package written with the aim of producing scientific publication quality figures as quickly as possible with as little code as possible (checkout examples).
So instead of typing 8 lines of code in matplotlib everytime:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_scalebar.scalebar import ScaleBar
"""Plot image"""
cb = plt.colorbar()
cb.set_label("Height (nm)", fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')
"""Add scalebar"""
scalebar = ScaleBar(dx=0.5, units='nm') # 1 pixel = 0.5 nm
You only need 1 line of code to get the same plot:
from customplotting.mscope import plot_confocal
"""Plot image with scalebar"""
plot_confocal(img_data, stepsize=0.5, units='nm', cbar_label="Height (nm)")
It saves you from a lot of unnecessary typing (if you often plot data)
The functions wrap around matplotlib
library for plotting with the customizable options. For instance, you can directly add a scalebar to your image without additional code. The figures can customized (colorbar, axis, linewidth, labels, etc) using the same key word arguments as in matplotlib
. See function docstrings for more information about customization.
pip install customplotting
"""Make a publishable image with scalebar"""
from customplotting.mscope import plot_confocal
plot_confocal(img_data, stepsize=0.5, units='nm', cbar_label="Height (nm)")
"""Make a publishable X-Y plot"""
from customplotting.general import plot_xy
plot_xy([1,2,3], [4,5,6], xlabel="Random X", ylabel="Random Y")
Check out the jupyter notebook for more examples
is an AMAZING package but if you are like me and are tired of typing 5-7 lines of code everytime you want a good publishable quality figure, then customplotting
is the answer.
basically wraps the matplotlib functions to allow you to quickly plot commonly used plots like x-y, images with scalebars, etc with only one line of code.
- Plot X-Y with custom settings (from v0.1.4)
- Scalebar can be added to the plot using a new dependency
(from v0.1.3) - For widefield (pixera) plots, scale can automatically be selected by choosing the objective used
- Colorbar can be customized with labels (and also removed if needed)
- X-axis and Y-axis ticks can be added/removed now
Contributions are always welcome! See
Open an issue if you come across any!