- 🌱 I’m currently getting master degree in computer science.
- 👯 I’m looking for collaboration with other programers. Feel free to text me.
- 🥅 2024 Goals: Work more with Rust and AI. Build an app with some AI functionality.
- Enroled into CS Master degree course.
- Continue learning Rust. Built several CLI apps and several server apps (including naive microservice app) for learning purpose. Finished Rust Programming Bootcamp.
- Started new fintech project with React. Provided FSD architecture and CI practices.
- Built a new design system based interface for project knowledge base. The components editor/builder will be written for these interface.
- Read a lection about AJAX and web protocalls in Kyiv Polytechnic Institrute.
- Finsihed two courses about algorithms, design patterns and programming paradigms.
- Discovered eficiency of AI usage in proigramming and improve my AI skills and understanding of it.
- Continued private mentoring practice in frontend field.
- Started working with great team in EPAM
- Improved my programming skills by permanent learning
- Started to implement totally new features and unit tests on the current ptoject
- Learned and fall in love with Rust
- Took part in developing of social network for musicians, promoters and venues
- Created app for selling airplane tickets
- Contributed code to 2 repositories in the 2020 GitHub Archive Program
- Created a new interface for stickers online shop
- Improved interface and created mobile versions for several old websites