Mission: Build a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to Mars and display the information in a single HTML page.
This data includes: latest mars news, current featured image, a table of mars facts, and various images of mars hemisperes.
This project contains:
- A Jupyter Notebook containing the scraping code
- Two python.py files
- Scrape_mars.py executes the scraping code & stores results in a dictionary
- app.py puts this data in a mongo database using flask and then links it to the index.html document to create the "website"
- An index.html file for the created "website" that will execute the script to scrape new data when a button at the top of the page is clicked
- Screenshots of the final web application after it has been run
Scraped Sites:
NASA Mars News Site
JPL Featured Space Image
Mars Facts
USGS Astrogeology