💾 I've transitioned from an extensive career in cultural management and production to becoming a passionate Frontend developer. My creative flair and tech fascination led me to pivot towards coding.
• 🎉 I've just finished a Frontend Development Bootcamp in Adalab.
• 🚀 I'm always in search of gaining experience and continuing to learn.
• 🌱 I’m reinforcing and expanding my knowledge of Javascript, React, and Node JS.
• 👀 I'm very curious and thoroughly enjoy reading and discovering new things constantly.
• 🌎 I lived in 3 different countries and I changed my career to web developer. Always willing to keep learning.
• HTML5 (HyperText MarkUp Language).
• CSS3, SASS (Responsive Design, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Transitions, Relative & Absolute position).
• JavaScript (Functions, Events, Objects, Conditionals, Arrays, Loops, Local Storage).
• React (SPA, Components, Props & Proptypes, React-router-dom, Lifting, State Variables, libraries).
• Node JS - Express JS - SQL (REST API, Databases).
• Gulp (Task Automation).
• Git (version control).
• Development tools: Visual Studio Code, Zeplin.
• Slack - Agile - Scrum (communication skills & team work).