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App actions

SarKaa edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 13 revisions

App commands

Number in menu command info
14. exit guess
15. menu Shows app menu
16. help shows help text
17. color shows available colour schemes for jailm8
18. update updates downloaded resources from this repo
19. clean deletes downloaded resources
version prints current jailm8 version, latest jailm8 version and connected device's ios version if connected
restart restart's jailm8, this isn't that important a command so I didn't add a menu entry for this
stats prints a list of useful stats from the app itself, like how many resources have been saved
amds64 triggers the Apple Mobile Device Support installer manually
startup allows you to set a command to be automatically run when starting jailm8
support Join my discord server for more support, or if you just wanna talk about jb
prefs prints saved prefs (if any)
full restart starts a new, nested instance of jailm8
clisetup allows you to run jailm8 from anywhere


This will check if you have the menu downloaded, and clear the screen. Then it will show you the menu. the menu resource is a clear indicator if you haven't run jailm8 before, so if your machine is offline, and you don't have the menu resource, jailm8 will lock you out, until you are connected to the internet.


First things first, I'm British, so I spell colour the right way, but because most people outside of the UK spell it wrong, I thought I'd make the command color. This gives you a choice of some colour schemes/presets, you just type the number and it will restart jailm8 with the new colour scheme.


This will delete and re-download all the resources you have already downloaded. This command is mostly for libimobiledevice and the menu, because the project sandcastle files aren't due to change much.


This will output the current version, latest version (if you are connected to internet), and iOS version (if libimobiledevice is downloaded and a device is connected)


This will output a load of stats jailm8 has collected while startup (when starting up, jailm8 saves some details, like if internet is connected, or what the working directory is). It will also tell you the udid of connected devices (if any / if libimobiledevice is downloaded)

Apple Mobile Device Support 64

The libimobiledevice tools require usbmuxd functions, which is provided by an apple program called Apple Mobile Device Support 64. This is normally installed by iTunes, but if you don't have it, or have the wrong version, jailm8 will automatically ask you if you want to install it. If you want, you can install it manually, by running the command amds64. This command can also be used to repair or remove Apple Mobile Device Support.


When you run this command, you can set another command to be run when jailm8 is started. This is saved in resources, so it will be deleted when running the clean command. If there is already a startup command configured, jailm8 will ask if you if you want to reset it.

Full restart

A full restart will exit jailm8, and start a new instance of jailm8, all in the same window. It is only recommended to use a full restart in very specific scenarios, and you shouldn't use it when running jailm8 from a separate command prompt window. A cool feature of a full restart is that you can see the colour schemes reload. Its called a full restart because it starts a whole new instance of jailm8, whereas the traditional restart simply reloads the existing instance.


Jailm8 requires you to run it from the directory it is saved in, so it can be a bit annoying, so I added clisetup. From version, jailm8 will do everything for you, as long as you run it with admin rights. After you run this, you can simply use jailm8 as you would from a command prompt window, without needing to cd to the directory where jailm8 is saved. NOTE: this saves a batch file to C:\WINDOWS\system32, so you have to run the command as jailm8.bat, or just jailm8, followed by any arguments, if any. The batch file simply cd's to the required directory, runs jailm8, then cd's back.

Control C

Normally in cli apps, control c will quit the app. This has been disabled in jailm8 from version, as it was causing problems. Now, pressing control c will just emulate pressing the enter button (it may cause some glitches regarding new lines).

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