The data used in this analysis are listed below.
Iler, A. M., Compagnoni, A., Inouye, D. W., Williams, J. L., CaraDonna, P. J., Anderson, A., & Miller, T. E. (2019). Reproductive losses due to climate change‐induced earlier flowering are not the primary threat to plant population viability in a perennial herb. Journal of Ecology.
Salguero-Gómez, R., Kempenich, H., Forseth, I. N., & Casper, B. B. (2014). Long‐term individual‐level population dynamics of a native desert chamaephyte: Ecological Archives E095‐050. Ecology, 95(2), 577-577.
Provided by Tom Miller. the data spans from 2004 to 2018.
Details on data gathering etc can be found in the following articles
Eldred & Miller, 2016
Ohm & Miller, 2014
Provided by David Inouye. See the following websites for more information.
The RMBL Phenology project
Open Science Framework
Data on the climate used for this project is retrieved from three sources:
For HEQU: Data from PRISM
For CRFL, and FRSP: Data from NOAA is retrieved using the R package rnoaa
For OPIM: Data from the SEV-LTER was used
In case data on specific dates were not available, the values were imputed using 1 or 2 other nearest stations. Any remaining missing data (in case the data was also missing from the other stations) is imputed using the same method as the Climwin
's "method1"
Columns | Explanation |
Year | year of measurement (for monthly data) |
Month | month of measurement (can either be M or MM; for monthly data) |
date | date of measurement in "dd\mm\yyyy" (for daily data) |
Climate values | Each climate driver has its own column |
Metadata for the HEQU dataset
Columns | Explanation |
population | There were three distinct study populations. low: Horse Ranch Park (2703 m a.s.l); mid: Maxfield Meadow, at Rocky Mountain Biological Lab (2886 m a.s.l); high: Virginia Basin (3407 m a.s.l)* |
plantID | Unique plant id for each individual (combination of population and plant.ID found in original data) |
year | Year of measurements at time T* |
month | Month of measurements at time T |
day | Day of measurements at time T |
presentT | Presence at time T (0/1)* |
presentT1 | Presence at time T+1 (0/1)* |
survival | Survival from year T to year T+1 (0/1)* |
seedling | Is individual seedling in year T (0/1)* |
sizeT | The number of clumps of leaves per plant at time T* |
sizeT1 | The number of clumps of leaves per plant at time T+1* |
pflowerT | The probability of flowering (producing at least one stalk) at time T* |
pflowerT | The probability of flowering (producing at least one stalk) at time T+1* |
abort.stalks | Number of aborted flower stalks per plant at time T** |
fertilityT | Total number of flowering stalks in which the plant invested at time T* |
fertilityT1 | Total number of flowering stalks in which the plant invested at time T+1* |
* Same as found in the original data; For details see the original README
Metadata for the CRFL dataset
Columns | Explanation |
Treatment | Treatment applied to the permanent plot. C: Control; D1: Rainout shelter in summer 1998; D2: Rainout shelter in summer 1999* |
Block | Location where the treatments were assigned in groups of three plots* |
Plot | Plot number. Permanent plots of 5 × 5 m²* |
Quadrat | Each permanent plot is conformed by 13 samplable 1 × 1 m² quadrats. Note that in plots 1–9 all quadrats were sampled, but in plots 10–18 only a random subset were sampled.* |
plantID | Individual unique identifier, a concatenation of the values for variables "Treatment", "Block", "Plot", "Quadrat", "X" and "Y", separated by "." * |
year | Year of census (at time T)* |
month | Month of census (at time T) |
day | Day of census (at time T) |
survival | survival from time T to time T1 |
sizeT | The total number of rosettes of individual of Cryptantha flava at time T* |
sizeT1 | The total number of rosettes of individual of Cryptantha flava at time T1* |
age | Age of individual of Cryptantha flava. Individuals with unknown age are set to 999* |
pflowerT | Did the individual flower |
fertilityT | Number of flowering rosettes of individual of Cryptantha flava* |
Shrub | Closest shrub to the target individual of Cryptantha flava.* |
Compass | Compass direction from the center of the closest shrub to the target individual of Cryptantha flava* |
Distance | Closest distance from the target individual of Cryptantha flava to the edge of the shrub. Negative values mean the individual of Cryptantha flava is under the shrub. Positive values mean the individual of Cryptantha flava is not under the shrub.* |
* Same as found in the original data. For details see the original README
Metadata for the OPIM dataset
Columns | Explanation |
Plot | Plot or spatial block* |
TagID | Unique identifier for each individual* |
Transplant | 0 or 1. If 1, the individual was transplanted as part of an old experiment* |
year | The calendar year* |
month | The calendar month of census |
day | The day of census |
Height_t | Height of the plant in year t (in cm)* |
Width_t | Maximum width of the plant in year t (in cm)* |
Perp_t | The width perpendicular to the maximum width in year t (in cm)* |
sizeT | The volume of the plant in year t, calculated as a cone, using Height_t, Width_t and Perp_t |
Goodbuds_t | The number of viable flowerbuds on a plant in year t |
fertilityT | The total number of flowerbuds (viable + inviable) in year t |
ABFlowerbuds_t | The number of aborted/inviable flowerbuds in year t |
Recruit | 0 or 1. Estimated if this is a 0 year recruit in year t** |
Newplant | 0 or 1. Is this a new plant in the census |
Survival_t1 | Did the individual survive from year t to year t+1 |
Height_t1 | Height of the plant in year t+1 (in cm)* |
Width_t1 | Maximum width of the plant in year t+1 (in cm)* |
Perp_t1 | The width perpendicular to the maximum width in year t+1 (in cm)* |
sizeT1 | The volume of the plant in year t+1, calculated as a cone, using Height_t1, Width_t1 and Perp_t1 |
NS_t | The number of new stem segments in year t (a measure of vegetative growth)* |
Antcount_t | The number of ants counted in 30 seconds |
Antsp_t | The species identity of the ants |
* Same as found in the original data
** Personal note from Tom - Not super reliable, very difficult to distinguish recruits from small older plants
I used the reformatting script to reformat the original data sheets into a format usuable for this study
Columns | Explanation |
year | calendar year of time T |
month | month when size was measured at time T. Because I work with a fixed reference date set to 7 |
day | day when size was measured at time T. Because I work with a fixed reference date set to 15 |
plantID | Unique identifier of individual. |
sizeT | Number of leaves in basal rosettes at time T. |
recruitT | Is the individual a new recruit yes (1) or no (0) |
sizeT1 | Number of leaves in basal rosettes at time T + 1. |
survival | if the individual survived from time T to T + 1 (1) or not (0) |
pFlowerT1 | Did the individual flower |