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"Prepare yourself for diving into the dungeon." | Game made using Godot for the Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 πŸ‘‡

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Prepare yourself for diving into the dungeon.

The goal is going down as much as possible inside the Tiers of the dungeon.

Note: For Game Jam limit N Tiers, when reached last game is completed

Start at your workstation:

  • Buy Resources (using Coins)
  • Craft Resources
  • Prepare to dive into the dungeon

  • 🎲: Main mechanics
  • ⚠️: Attention when implementing
  • ✏️: Good to have, not necessary
  • πŸ’‘: Idea, may be added or not
  • ❓: Possible problem to verify

Buy Resources ("shop")

Use Coins gained to buy sheer resources:

  • X Coins gained for every Tier passed
  • Coins can be collected/found inside dungeon


Materials that can be mixed to create Weapons, Shields, Potions ("crafting").

Resource + Resource = Resource

Resource + Resource = Potion

Resource + Resource = Weapon

Resource + Resource = Shield

Note: Each Resource occupies N space in the Inventory πŸ‘‡


Regain health.

They can only be bought, not crafted!


Tradeoff between space in Inventory and damage when attacking.


Tradeoff between space in Inventory and resistance to attacks.

Dive into dungeon

Select Inventory before leaving.

🎲 Limited space available: Make sure to leave some space for the Resources found in the dungeon

When Inventory is full, no more Resources can be collected.

✏️ Allow to drop object to collect something else

Diving deeper

Start at Tier 1 and go down. Tier starts in one location and has one place where stairs go down.

Tier depth defines difficulty: Enemies stronger and more "rare" or "new" Resources.

Each time you finish a Tier you gained its depth, when you come down again you start from it.

Generation ⚠️

Manually create N rooms, with random places assigned for Enemies, Resources, and Coins.

For each Tier select N random rooms, make some of the assigned places concrete instances, and connect each room. Define start and end. ⚠️

Deeper Tier makes Enemies stronger, Resources more scarce but also more rare.

πŸ’‘ No Enemy in the player's initial room

Come back workstation

After finishing each Tier you can come back to the workstation.

🎲 If you get killed while in a Tier you lose all the Resources collected

Important: the Experience gained is not lost when killed! (Avoid being too weak and not being able to come back)

🎲 No crafting can be done while inside the dungeon


  • Health: how much damage before killed
  • Speed: how often movement (compared to Enemies)
  • Attack: base damage (sum to Weapon)
  • Defense: base defense (sum to Shield)


4 directions, 1 tile at the time.

If same speed, each time player moves by 1 and Enemy moves 1.

When more speed you can move x2 before Enemy moves 1.

Each action spends x1 movement. Actions:

  • Apply potion
  • Move
  • Attack
  • Collect Resource

🎲 Walking on top of Coin automatically collects it (costs x1 movement)


Only when nearby (1 tile close).

🎲 Deal more damage sometimes (critical hit): Avoids that the battle is decided from the beginning.

Also the enemies have this.

🎲 Damage not always the same (+ or - by random)


Killing an Enemy gives you a possible loot and more Experience.

🎲 Leveling system: gain Experience grow your level, gives you better stats

✏️ Choose which ability (speed, health, attack, defense) to increase when reaching new level


Each has a Level, that defines the following:

  • Health (how much damage before kill)
  • Attack (how much damage inflicted)
  • Speed (how often they move)
  • Range (how close the player should be before chasing)
  • ✏️ Loot
    • Frequency (how often dropping something)
    • Rare (how rare is the Resource dropped)

🎲 The Level and the health are displayed on top of the sprite, so that the player has a way to decide if she wants to attack the Enemy or not


  • Roaming: each turn move in a "random" direction, or not move at all
  • Chase: start moving towards player (Path finding ⚠️)
  • Attack: when player is nearby (next tile) attack


  • Start at workstation / or / start directly inside Tier 1 (based on which one is easier to explain)


  • Crafting screen
    • Choose 2 (or N ✏️) Resources to combine
  • Buy screen
    • Buy new Resources using Coin
  • Preparation screen
    • Select things to bring into the dungeon inside Inventory

Note: Save previous Inventory when diving again

Note: You can check at which Tier you are currently

Workstation is a room where you walk, and at each "edge" there is the crafting, buying, and a room to dive into the dungeon.

Dungeon (Tier)

The game generates the rooms of the Tier based on the deepness.

The player starts at the "start location":

  • Move 4 direction
  • Use potion (give back health)
    • Add button to do it (keyboard) or click on screen
  • Attack (only when enemy nearby)
    • Triggered when moving "into" an Enemy
  • Collect (only when Resource nearby)
    • Triggered when moving "into" a Resource

At the same time, all the Enemies enter their state machine, moving based on the player's speed.

The player can always check her Inventory (how much space left) and health.

The goal is to reach the end.

Exploration is not required, but it may give you more Resources, Coins, and Experience

Define a "final" Tier: when reached is game over (for the purpose of the Game Jam).

Important: Make sure the game is not too long, 10-15 minutes for the Game Jam

Extra ✏️

  • Player ability tree to unlock after reaching a new level
    • Dash (move faster for N turns)
    • Special attacks (magic, distance attacks)
    • Gain back health without potion
  • Breakable objects (rocks and chests) that cost N movements and give a rare Resource
  • More Enemies movements
    • Sprint N tiles
    • Attack from the distance
    • Try to prevent the player from reaching the stairs (block the path)
  • More Enemies sizes (N tiles)
    • Bigger, more powerful, slower, cannot pass through some doors
  • Different dungeons
    • Each has different Resources, only found in a specific dungeon
    • Unique Enemies (sprites and abilities)
    • Progress through dungeons (complete one, move to another)

Gameplay update

  • No more Weapons and Shields, and therefore no more Coins and shop
  • A Resource becomes a Crystal
    • All same sprite with different colors
    • No more limit in the Inventory for Crystals
    • Still required to reach the stairs to store collected Crystals
  • Use Crystals to craft Potions
    • Health up
    • Speed up
    • Attack up
    • Defense up
    • Invisible
    • Thunderbolt (cells around player)
    • Teletransport (escape from enemies horde)
  • In-game Inventory becomes made of Potions
    • Choose carefully which Potions to bring with limited space
    • Each Potion has a weight
    • Potions are 1-time use, but not if you get killed
  • Player levels
    • Gain experience by killing enemies
      • Only when reaching the stairs
    • When reaching a new level you get 1 point to assign to your stats



16x16 pixel art.

  • Crystal (+ animation)
  • Potion
  • Player (+ animations)
  • Enemies (more than one, + animation)
  • Tilemap
    • Ground tiles with player controls input
  • Dialog
  • Font
  • Player health icon
  • Player speed icon
  • Player attack icon
  • Player defense icon


  • Player and Enemies movement (4 directions)
  • Tilemap (walls and layers for Enemies, player, and collectibles)
  • Allow completing the Tier when moving on top of end stairs
  • Allow collecting Resources when nearby (do not move on top of it)
  • Allow getting coins when moving on top of them
  • Enemy shared properties
  • Allow attacking when something nearby
  • Player stats definition
  • Killing Enemy when health zero
  • Enemy state machine
  • Turn based movement for player and all Enemies (based on speed)
  • Enemy path finding towards the player
  • Turn based system with actors speed
  • Allow use Potion to gain back health
  • Allow crafting (selection of what to create, each showing how much and what Crystal it costs)
  • Remove "local" Inventory, all Crystals collected go in global
  • Screen to prepare Inventory to go into dungeon
    • Display all Potions available and their quantity
    • Click on Potion to add x1 to Inventory
    • Click on Potion in Inventory to remove x1 from Inventory
    • Display Inventory max size and how much is full
    • Add button to go to crafting screen
    • Add button to enter dungeon with selected Inventory
    • ✏️ Allow to select dungeon Tier
  • Killing player when health zero
    • Come back to prepare Inventory screen
    • Store previous Inventory selection to use as autocomplete for next round
  • Store current Tier in global script
  • Complete Tier when stepping on top of stairs
    • Add +1 to global Tier
  • Player leveling system (Experience points and grow next level)
    • Add global player stats (with experience points)
    • Add experience points after each Enemy defeated
    • Add experience points when Tier completed
  • Move Player stats to global PlayerExperience script
  • Screen to add gained point to player stats
    • Display grid with all stats and their current points assigned
    • Allow to click on a stat to add the point
  • Add buttons in game to use potions in Inventory (with numbers keyboard shortcuts)
    • Remove Potion from global Inventory when used
  • Implement all potions abilities
    • Stats up
    • ✏️ Invisible
    • ✏️ Thunder
  • Click "esc" to leave the dungeon
  • Add indication of controls to ground tiles in first Tier
  • Add label indication in UIs to tell what to do in that screen
  • Generate dungeon based on current Tier
    • Spawn random Enemy concrete instances (based on current Tier)
    • Spawn random stairs position at every round
  • ✏️ Create dungeon (connect rooms concrete instances)
    • Room shared properties (locations of Enemies, Resources, Coins, plus start and end positions)


  • Enemies can move in the same position, since no collision is detected and they start moving at the same time
  • Enemies attacks seem to come x2 times
  • Implement attack and defense computations (add some randomness)
  • Implement experience points and leveling computations


"Prepare yourself for diving into the dungeon." | Game made using Godot for the Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 πŸ‘‡







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