Welcome to Soul Care AI ❤️
Interactive Health care AI build with Python Streamlit, Leveraging Gemini-pro API to the Application
Soul Care AI
Mental health care assist
Drug analyzer
Medical report analyzer
Expert advise
and more
Soul Care, powered by the Gemini API, is a basic Mental Health Instructor designed for healthcare. It excels in mood setter and generating medical assistance with AI capabilities, offering the ability to handle up to 60 queries per minute.
Named for its Care capabilities, Soul combines "Soul" for inner peace and "Care" for an intelligent machine that loves you.
Why choose Soul Care? Unlike other chatbots, Soul care offers unlimited prompts and responses to the Google AI model, leveraging Gemini-pro. It's particularly effective for medical diagnose and mood setting.
Developed by SKAV TECH, a company focused on creating practical AI projects, AutoBot is intended for educational purposes only. We do not endorse any illegal or unethical activities.
Explaining each Functionalities:
Wellness Coach ask the model a question about explainig your condition, to get results, Wellness Coach is a part of Soul Care AI
Medical Report Analysis Get complete summary of your Medical report with complete health care plan, Note AI may be inacurate and may provide false information, Check before proceeding.
Drug Details A tool that is build with Python, this gathers the information of Drug data using AI, Keep in mind this tool is for educational purpose only, You can get a information of any Drug.
Expert Advice Get in touch with professional Psychologist, Mental Health Counselor with ease.
Privacy Policy Read all the terms and condition before using application.
Steps to install and Run Soul Care: STEP-1: Open Command Prompt and Type the followed command, Clone the Github repo into your system:
=> git clone https://github.com/Sandeepkasturi/SoulCare-AI.git.
=> cd SoulCare-AI
Now On you Directory where AutoBot AI folder is present, Make changes in the code where you find st.secrets[api_key] This thing is actually hides the API key from Public, you can generate your own Gemini-AI API key at Google AI Studio https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey
I'm a Prompt Engineer...
Founder of SKAV TECH.
Built 10+ Apps using Gen-AI
Contributions are always welcome!
See contributing.md
for ways to get started.
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
Here is the link to demo
I've been learning to code for 5 years, after switching careers. I started with Python, but have really found a passion for AI Development and I started SKAV TECH a NO CODE Development platform combined with AI tools and Experienced Prompt Engineers.
- 🌍 I'm based in India
- 🖥️ Our Company
- ✉️ You can contact me at sandeepkasturi9@gmail.com
- 🚀 I'm currently working on SKAV AI
- 🧠 I'm learning AI
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Instagram
- ⚡ I'm secretly Developing some AI applications which can change my career. Updates will be posted on Instagram,
Install AutoBot with Command Prompt
git clone https://github.com/Sandeepkasturi/SoulCare-AI.git
cd SoulCare-AI
After Installation you need to make changes in the Code. That is setting up your own Gemini API key.
In the project.py
You can find the code line : configure(api_key=st.secrets["api_key"])
You need to Update the code: configure(api_key="Your_api_key")
Now Open Command Prompt and follow the commands below
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run streamlit_app.py
To run tests, run the following command
streamlit run project.py
Python Streamlit
To deploy this project you need to setup Streamlit Cloud with Github
import Component from 'my-project'
function App() {
return <Component />
This project is used by the following companies: