Current State:
Serving as the centerpiece of my NixOS configuration, Sanatana Linux
, this configuration builds from the AwesomeWM framework a highly personalized and comprehensive GUI front end for my systems that provides all of my expectations for a desktop environment while being incredibly light and responsive.
- For more general documentation about the configuration of AwesomeWM, I am preparing a book at present that will do so. So check back periodically if you are interested as no doubt there will be something about it posted here (and elsewhere).
- The notes specific to this configuration, including working notes like TODO items, are found within the
directory as Markdown files, my current project notes solution.- Links to the notes directory files:
- Index - the frontpage with these links duplicated there upon
- TODOs - TODO items I remembered to record
- Additional Resources - Links to find third party resources or additional information.
- Credit Where It is Due - acknowledgements of the many other codebases that inspired this one or have had their portions adapted to my use.
- Installation - installing this configuration for yourself.
- Links to the notes directory files: