Package ini provides a parser (and lexer) for .ini files.
Format implemented:
- All the following rules where a character is matched, can have that character escaped with a
and it will be considered plain text - Even a
at the end of a line will escape the newline, adding it to the current key/value/section - Sections are case-insensitive and transformed to lowercase
- Anything between
at the start of a line and a]
is a new section - A
with no matching]
before the end of the line is illegal - Anything after a section, until a new section, is in that section
- Comments start with a
at the beginning of a line and end at the end of that line - Keys are case-insensitive and transformed to lowercase
- Keys start at the beginning of a line, until either a
or a=
and thus can not contain those characters - Each key must have a matching
- Values are optional (defaults to an empty string)
- Values can contain any character, are trimmed of whitespace, and end at the end of the line
- Values can be wrapped in
, these will be stripped, but whitespace in them is sustained
Example usage:
package main
import "core:os"
import "ini"
main :: proc() {
config, ok := get_config("foo.ini").?
if !ok {
defer ini.ini_delete(config)
for k, v in config {
fmt.printf("[%q]\n", k)
for kk, vv in v {
fmt.printf("%q = %q\n", kk, vv)
get_config :: proc(config_file_path: string) -> Maybe(ini.INI) {
bytes, ok := os.read_entire_file_from_filename(config_file_path)
if !ok {
fmt.printf("[ERROR]: could not read %q\n", config_file_path)
return nil
defer delete(bytes)
config, res := parse(bytes)
using res.pos
switch res.err {
case .EOF: return config
case .IllegalToken: fmt.printf("[ERROR]: Illegal token encountered in %q at %d:%d", config_file_path, line+1, col+1)
case .KeyWithoutEquals: fmt.printf("[ERROR]: Key token found, but not assigned in %q at %d:%d", config_file_path, line+1, col+1)
case .ValueWithoutKey: fmt.printf("[ERROR]: Value token found, but not preceeded by a key token in %q at %d:%d", config_file_path, line+1, col+1)
case .UnexpectedEquals: fmt.printf("[ERROR]: Equals sign found in an unexpected location in %q at %d:%d", config_file_path, line+1, col+1)