EfficientDet tensorflow object detection implementation with custom dataset
This is based on the official implentation of EfficientDet by google. Have a look at their paper for more theoritical knowledge. Thank you for the great work.
pycocotools (pip install git+https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI)
recommedned : create a conda environment with tensorflow 2 by using following command
conda create -n tf2 tensorflow-gpu conda activate tf2
Note : Make sure that you are in the above conda environment while processing every operations in this.
Open the inference.py file and modify the line with your custom class and mapping id same as mentioned while generating tfrecords.
Following command is used for inference.
python model_inspect.py --runmode=infer --model_name=$MODEL \ --input_image_size=1920x1280 --max_boxes_to_draw=100 --min_score_thresh=0.2 \ --ckpt_path='trained weight with path' --input_image=img.png --num_classes 1 --output_image_dir='path to output directory'
Will update on this soon
Tfrecords have to be generated from custom dataset, which will be acceptable by the tensorflow training pipeline.
Lets make a folder
cd EfficientDet-tf-custom_dataset mkdir tfrecord
a) Kitti dataset to tfrecord
Kitti dataset can be converted into tfrecord directly by using the following command( script is from tensorflow repo)
python kiti_convert/create_kitti2tfrecord.py \ --data_dir='path of kitti_dataset folder' --output_path='path to store tfrecords' --label_map_path = 'path to label_map.pbtxt'
Note : install tf object detection api by
pip install tensorflow-object-detection-api
Below is the folder structre of kitti format used by
kitti_dataset/ ├─images/ | ├─ img1.jpg | ├─ img2.jpg ├─labels/ ├─ img1.txt ├─ img2.txt
label_map.pbtxt file format for one class
item { id: 1 name: 'class_name' }
Note : There are also several scripts available to convert from kitti to tfrecords. (eg:
command from cvdata pip package)
- Kitti cab be converted into Pascal voc by using the following script
python kitti_convert/kitti2voc.py -ipi 'path to images' -ipl 'path to kitti labels'
script to generate tfrecords from PascalVOC whihc is mentioned below.
b) PascalVOC to tfrecord
Open the create_tfrecord.py file in the dataset folder and modify this line with custom classes.
file by using following commandcd VOCdevkit/VOC2012 && ls -1 JPEGImages | cut -d. -f1 > train.txt && cd - head VOCdevkit/VOC2012/train.txt
The above command will generate a
file underVOCdevkit/VOC2012
, move it intoImageSets/Main
directory. -
Run the following command and generate the tfrecords from PascalVOC.
PYTHONPATH=".:$PYTHONPATH" python dataset/create_pascal_tfrecord.py \ --data_dir=VOCdevkit --year=VOC2012 --output_path=tfrecord/pascal
Note : The tf record can be alos genreated for train and validation if needed.
Download backbone using follwoing command into the
folder.wget https://storage.googleapis.com/cloud-tpu-checkpoints/efficientnet/ckptsaug/efficientnet-b0.tar.gz tar xf efficientnet-b0.tar.gz
Start the training using following command
python main.py --mode=train_and_eval \ --training_file_pattern=tfrecord/pascal*.tfrecord \ --validation_file_pattern=tfrecord/pascal*.tfrecord \ --val_json_file=tfrecord/json_pascal.json \ --model_name=efficientdet-d0 \ --model_dir=/tmp/efficientdet-d0-scratch \ --backbone_ckpt=efficientnet-b0 \ --train_batch_size=8 \ --eval_batch_size=8 --eval_samples=512 \ --num_examples_per_epoch=5717 --num_epochs=1 \ --hparams="use_bfloat16=false,num_classes=20,moving_average_decay=0" \ --use_tpu=False
TypeError: object of type <class 'numpy.float64'> cannot be safely interpreted as an integer.
solution :pip install numpy==1.17.0
(downgrade numpy from 1.18 to 1.17) -
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: assertion failed [[{{node parser/Assert/Assert}}]] [[IteratorGetNext]]
solution : change MAX_NUM_INSTANCES with maximum number of instances in image of the custom dataset
Note : For more features and information , please visit the official EfficientDet-tf github repo