I dont' support this anymore. the file is loaded fully in memory before processing!
This perl script will enable you to do literal search and replace in files (in place) and in STDIN
No messing with regular expression anymore. No more sed
or awk
or perl -pie
. This handy script written in perl will replace text exactly as you want, No matter it has the so-called special characters or not. Just like str_replace
PHP function.
str_replace Search Replace File # replace in File in place
STDIN | str_replace Search Replace # to STDOUT
Execute this line in your linux server
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Samer-Al-iraqi/Linux-str_replace/master/str_replace.pl \
-O /usr/local/str_replace && \
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/str_replace
- Search and replace always case-sensitive
- Always do global Search and replace
- Don't care about lines.
- It may work in Windows as well.
- tested with unicode (I suprised it worked correctly!)
Hope it will help. Thanks