An ElasticSearch package for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval
The goal of elastic4clir is to provide a flexible framework for running cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) experiments. It implements various retrieval techniques and benchmarks while using ElasticSearch/Lucene as the backend index and search components.
It's assumed that you have Anaconda installed. If not, download and setup your conda path:
export PATH=$HOME/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
Now, clone this repo, and create a conda environment that contains the dependencies for this package:
cd ~/your-working-directory
git clone (this repo)
cd elastic4clir
conda env create -f conda-clir-env.yml
Also, you need to get ElasticSearch separately. This version of elastic4clir is based on elasticsearch-5.6.3. Various version can be downloaded from:
gunzip elasticsearch-5.6.3.tar
tar -xvf elasticsearch-5.6.3.tar
That's it! To start the ElasticSearch server as a daemon,
./elasticsearch-5.6.3/bin/elasticsearch -d
To stop the ElasticSearch server,
jps | grep Elasticsearch
Then kill the process with the PID. Note that the indices persist in the data directory of elasticsearch. To clean-up, you can just delete the directory.
Under this directory:
index_research: all scripts for indexing and searching. Right now two datasets are included: TREC and CACM. And now we have Wiki_sw dataset ready for indexing and searching.
evaluation: all evaluation scripts.
web: for future development. (ignore it for now, just for test and fun)