The ThraceFormBundle
adds some extra form types to Symfony 2 Form Component.
Features include:
- autocomplete (jQueryUI)
- buttonset (jQueryUI)
- toggle button (jQueryUI)
- slider (jQueryUI)
- slider range (jQueryUI)
- spinner(jQueryUI)
- datepicker (jQueryUI)
- dateRangePicker (jQueryUI)
- dateTimePicker (jQueryUI)
- dateTimeRangePicker (jQueryUI)
- timepicker
- colorpicker
- input limiter
- rating
- recaptcha
- select 2
- select 2 dependent field
- select 2 sortable
- tinymce
- multi select (jqgrid) full integration with Doctrine ORM (requires ThraceDataGridBundle)
- collection
Notice: All PHP code is tested with PHPUnit.
Caution: This bundle is developed in sync with symfony's repository.
The bulk of the documentation is stored in the Resources/doc/
file in this bundle:
Read the ThraceFormBundle documentation
All the installation instructions are located in documentation.
Note: to run test php composer.phar install --dev --prefer-source then phpunit.phar
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker.
When reporting a bug, it may be a good idea to reproduce it in a basic project built using the Symfony Standard Edition to allow developers of the bundle to reproduce the issue by simply cloning it and following some steps.