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3.3 Changes

CHenrie edited this page Apr 15, 2015 · 5 revisions

The argos-sdk 3.3 change list can be found here:

All diffs from 3.2 to 3.3 can be found here:


  • Dojox charts replaced with canvas based Chart.js
  • Added support for line charts
  • Pie chart now renders as a doughnut chart
  • List views and charts now support the pull to refresh gesture
  • SData connection now supports a timeout value (in milliseconds)
  • Added RelatedContextWidget to show context from the view that opened it
  • Added a new quick edit quick action for opportunities
  • Added a new quick edit view for opportunities
  • New quick edit view brings in the card information from the list and displays it at the top, so no context is lost when doing the quick edit (See RelatedContextWidget)
  • Several defect fixes


  • The AMD namespaces for argos-sdk and argos-saleslogix have been changed. A customizer can still reference the old names, as long as they provide an AMD map configuration in the index-dev-*.html file. This is a must for development. For production, we have provided the map in the main index.aspx. The package name for "Mobile/SalesLogix" is now "crm" and the package name for "Sage/Platform/Mobile" is now "argos". These packages also no longer require a path entry. Here is an example of what was changed in argos-sample.

Example taken from argos-sample's index-dev-sample.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    baseUrl: "./",
    packages: [
        { name: 'dojo', location: '../../argos-sdk/libraries/dojo/dojo' },
        { name: 'dijit', location: '../../argos-sdk/libraries/dojo/dijit' },
        { name: 'snap', location: '../../argos-sdk/libraries/snap', main: 'snap' },
        { name: 'moment', location: '../../argos-sdk/libraries/moment', main: 'moment-with-langs.min' },
        { name: 'argos', location: '../../argos-sdk/src' },
        { name: 'crm', location: 'src' },
        { name: 'configuration', location: 'configuration' },
        { name: 'localization', location: 'localization' },
        { name: 'Mobile/Sample', location: '../argos-sample/src' },
        { name: 'configuration/sample', location: '../argos-sample/configuration' },
        { name: 'localization/sample', location: '../argos-sample/localization' }
    map: {
        '*': {
            'Sage/Platform/Mobile': 'argos',
            'Mobile/SalesLogix': 'crm'
    paths: {
        'Mobile/Sample': '../argos-sample/src',
        'configuration/sample': '../argos-sample/configuration',
        'localization/sample': '../argos-sample/localization'
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