This project analyzes GitHub usage data focusing on two primary services: "Shared Storage" and "Actions". The analysis includes visualizations to understand the usage patterns over time.
The dataset used in this analysis contains the following columns:
- Date: The date of the recorded usage.
- Product: The type of product/service used ("Shared Storage" or "Actions").
- SKU: Stock Keeping Unit, represents the unique identifier for the product.
- Quantity: The amount of the product used.
- Unit Type: The unit of measurement for the product (e.g., gb-day, minute).
- Price Per Unit ($): The cost per unit of the product.
- Multiplier: A multiplier applied to the quantity.
- Owner: The owner of the repository.
- Repository Slug: The identifier for the repository.
- Username: The username associated with the usage.
- Actions Workflow: The workflow file used in GitHub Actions.
- Notes: Additional notes regarding the usage.
Here is a snippet of the dataset:
Date | Product | SKU | Quantity | Unit Type | Price Per Unit ($) | Multiplier | Owner | Repository Slug | Username | Actions Workflow | Notes |
2023-12-05 | Shared Storage | Shared Storage | 0.0 | gb-day | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | API-Benchmarking | |||
2023-12-06 | Shared Storage | Shared Storage | 0.0 | gb-day | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | API-Benchmarking | |||
2023-12-07 | Actions | Compute - UBUNTU | 1 | minute | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | open-sauced-goals | SakshiKhare7 | .github/workflows/goals-caching.yml | |
2023-12-07 | Shared Storage | Shared Storage | 0.0 | gb-day | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | API-Benchmarking | |||
2023-12-08 | Shared Storage | Shared Storage | 0.0 | gb-day | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | API-Benchmarking | |||
2023-12-09 | Actions | Compute - UBUNTU | 1 | minute | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | Leetcode-Submissions | SakshiKhare7 | .github/workflows/sync_leetcode.yml | |
2023-12-09 | Shared Storage | Shared Storage | 0.0 | gb-day | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | API-Benchmarking | |||
2023-12-10 | Shared Storage | Shared Storage | 0.0 | gb-day | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | API-Benchmarking | |||
2023-12-11 | Actions | Compute - UBUNTU | 1 | minute | 0.008 | 1.0 | SakshiKhare7 | open-sauced-goals | SakshiKhare7 |
This pie chart visualizes the proportion of usage between "Shared Storage" and "Actions".
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Group by 'Product' and sum the 'Quantity'
grouped_df = df.groupby('Product').sum()
# Plot a pie chart
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.pie(grouped_df['Quantity'], labels=grouped_df.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, colors=['skyblue', 'lightcoral'])
plt.title('Proportion of Shared Storage and Actions Usage')
This bar graph shows the quantity of each product used.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)), grouped_df['Quantity'], color=['skyblue', 'lightcoral'])
plt.title('Quantity vs. Product')
This line graph shows the price per unit over the specified dates.
# Convert 'Date' column to datetime type
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(df['Date'], df['Price Per Unit ($)'], marker='o', linestyle='-', color='b')
plt.ylabel('Price Per Unit ($)')
plt.title('Price Per Unit ($) vs. Date')
This analysis provides insights into the usage patterns of GitHub services over a period of time. The visualizations help in understanding the distribution and trends of usage for "Shared Storage" and "Actions".
- Detailed Usage Analysis: Extend the analysis to include more detailed metrics and insights.
- Cost Analysis: Analyze the cost implications of the usage patterns.
- Anomaly Detection: Identify any anomalies or unusual patterns in the usage data.