Java FastCGI Client
#####A Java
FastCGI Client for accessing FastCGI
Fist you need to start the FastCGI server. For PHP, you can use PHP-FPM. Then edit in the Utils package. This class contains the address of the FastCGI server and some other configurations. After editing you can use the below syntax :
//Post body
byte[] content = "name=john&lastname=snow&address=winterfell".getBytes();
//URI which is sent in the Http header.
String uri = "/example.php";
//Environment varibales
Map<String, String> envs = new HashMap<String, String>();
String documentRoot = "/Users/baidu/php_workspace";
params.put("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "FastCGI/1.0");
params.put("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST");
params.put("SCRIPT_FILENAME", documentRoot + uri);
params.put("SCRIPT_NAME", uri);
params.put("QUERY_STRING", "");
params.put("REQUEST_URI", uri);
params.put("DOCUMENT_ROOT", documentRoot);
params.put("REMOTE_ADDR", "");
params.put("REMOTE_PORT", "9985");
params.put("SERVER_ADDR", "");
params.put("SERVER_NAME", "localhost");
params.put("SERVER_PORT", "80");
params.put("SERVER_PROTOCOL", "HTTP/1.1");
params.put("CONTENT_TYPE", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
params.put("CONTENT_LENGTH", content.length() + "");
//Creating a new client.
FCGIClient client = new FCGIClient(params,content);
//Sending request;
//Receving response
FCGIResponse res = client.getResponse();
//Staus of the response (see
int status = res.status
//Received content from FastCGI server (can be empty)
String content = res.getContent();
//Error message received from FastCGI server (can be empty if no error occurred)
String error = res.getError();