This is a library for Gauche. You can load directly from the ZIP archive by using the procedures in this library.
This module is using some features that are added after Gauche 0.9.3 release.
$ git clone git://
$ cd gauche-zipload
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ [sudo] make install
When the following three files is contained in a ZIP archive
;; T1.scm
(load "T2")
(load "T3")
(define (test-zipload) (list a b))
;; T2.scm
(define a 'a)
;; T3.scm
(define b 'b)
to load the T1 from this archive, run following.
(add-load-zip "")
(load "T1")
Calling add-load-zip with ZIP archive path is similar to call add-load-path with directory.
Gauche-zipload is BSD style license. See also COPYING.