Initial Setup
login as root and type:
and answer the questions of the wizard,including changing the root password. Alpine setup is possibly the easiest linux setup.Defaults are fine except in the disk creation. After selecting disk (sda) and purpose (sys), at least for this simple use case, type (y) in the warning:erase the above disk and continue ? question.
Alpine will prepare the portion of the hard disk allocated to our VM and will ask to reboot.
After rebooting the vm, fthe Alpine VM create a group and a user so we can ssh to the vm remotely from the terminal of our choice and not be bound to the builtin console of the proxmox GUI anymore:
addgroup -g 150 docker
adduser -G docker dockeras
cat /etc/passwd
We use docker group name on purpose because it will be needed later.
Now add the user in sudoers file to be able to execute all commands:
apk add sudo
add anywhere this line:
dockeras ALL=(ALL) ALL
Now press ESC and :wq to save and exit the editor. :q! to exit without saving.
Note:If for any reason we need to ssh as root,from proxmox GUI console:
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and replace #permitrootlogin no with permitrootlogin yes .Save and exit the editor.Then restart ssh service:
service sshd restart
Now we can leave the proxmox console and ssh to the server from another machine:
ssh dockeras@
We need to add the community repository in alpine that contains docker:
vi /etc/apk/repositories
add this line:
Now update the repositories, check that docker is present in apk and install:
sudo apk update
apk policy docker
sudo apk add docker
make docker always start on Alpine boot:
sudo rc-update add docker boot
Start the docker service and check its status:
sudo service docker start
service docker status
Test that docker can actually download docker images:
docker run --rm hello-world
mkdir /mnt/NFS/ mount -t nfs {ServerIP}:/{Folder in server} /mnt/NFS
nano /etc/fstab {ServerIP}:/{Folder in server} /mnt/NFS nfs defaults 0 0
you are using Oracle Direct NFS, and the NFS is running on Windows, there is a potential issue with permissions and ownership changes required. apk add cifs-utils rc-update add netmount
mkdir /mnt/SMB nano /mnt/credentials
chmod 600 /etc/samba/credentials mount -t cifs -o rw,vers=3.0,sec=ntlmssp,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,credentials=/mnt/credentials "{SMB_SERVER}/{Folder shared}" /mnt/SMB
nano /etc/fstab //{SMB_SERVER}/{Folder shared} /Mnt/SMB cifs credentials=/mnt/credentials,_netdev 0 0"
L'ordre de démarrage en cas d'erreur du a un montage de réseau
rc-update -all
boot: -netmount
- docker