I'm a full-stack web developer with Industrial Design Engineering background.
I started working as a UX/UI designer, evolving to front-end and later to full-stack developer specialized in data visualization, data platforms and advanced web scrapers. My main stack is PostgreSQL, Python, Django, Vue and D3, and I have extensive experience with MongoDB, PHP, Wordpress, jQuery, Angular, AWS, GIS and design software.
Some of my public projects are:
- datahippo: Public database on tourist accommodations.
- Maindoc: Invoicing platform for small companies and freelancers.
- 28M-calle-a-calle: Street-by-street results of the 2023 municipal elections in Spain.
- vue-d3-charts: Charts library build with reusability in mind.
- json-translate: Translation script for json files with deepl API.
- provincia53: Storytelling about Western Sahara.
- Ojito: Visualization of spanish political commitments.
- DS-Compass: Risk assessment tool for human rights defenders in hostile environments.
- OpenODS-Index: Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals by public and private entities.
- stopcasasdeapuestas: Collection, analysis and visualization of betting sites in Madrid & Spain.
- 5scdgame: Mini-game based on a conference logo.
- spanishrap: Visualization of the most prolific rappers on the Spanish scene