It is an Django Ecommerce system built on Django Framework. It contains everything you need to add products and use as a quality store.
I'll be happy if you provide any feedback or code improvements or suggestions.
Connect with me at:
📫 How to reach me:
- Django - 4.1.3
- Django Ckeditor - 6.5.1
- Django Mptt - 0.14.0
- Django Environ - 0.9.0
- Faker - 16.6.1
- Faker Commerce - 1.0.3
Cloning the Repository:
$ git clone
$ cd Django-Ecommerce
Installing the environment control:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv env
Activating the environment:
on Windows:
on Mac OS / Linux:
$ source env/bin/activate
Installing dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements/base.txt
Create a .env file on ecom folder (/root/.env) setting all requirements without using space after "=".
Copy and paste on our .env file:
# Secret key
# Database settings
# Email settings
Installing MAKE:
On Mac OS & Linux:
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install build-essential
On Windows:
1. Press Win + X keys together to open the Power menu.
2. Select Windows Powershell(Admin).
3. Type the command ‘Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))' and press Enter
4. Downloads and installs chocolatey as available from their official source:
5. Type choco to verify if the installation worked.
6. Now, type the command ‘choco install make‘ to install Make.
7. Go to the installation directory C:\Program Files(x86)\GnuWin32\ to confirm the installation worked.
Install HStoreExtension:
With database:
sudo su - postgres //switch to postgres user
\c DATABASENAME; //connect your database
CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore; //create extension
With migrations:
Add "HStoreExtension()" to your operations in migrations.
Type this command to make migrations and migrate:
make mig
Create a super user:
$ make admin
Finishing running server:
$ python runserver
Add some random data:
$ python create
You can send how many PR's do you want, I'll be glad to analyse and accept them! And if you have any question about the project...
Thank you!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.