A Person who ❤s technologies and gadgets 🥂 . I code and Build real SHIT 💰🧋
Pursuing my CSE @ VIT , CHENNAI
Ex FullStack SDE (Cloud,Devops,Go & C# with .NET) @ Nethermind, London | Paprika 🌶️ , Voyager 🚀 , Sedge ☁️ ,ZkSync-Remix Plugin 🔌 https://nethermind.io/
Ex-SDE @Hashstack Finance ,Bangalore https://hashstack.finance/
MongoDB , NoSQL , PostgreSQL , AWS , MySQL , Node. , Express , Go Fiber , Gin , Migrations , DB Mock , gRPC , Redis Queues , Firebase , Websockets , Distributed systems , Test Driven Development ,etc [ALL Typescript/Javascript/GO]
React , Next , Angular (ALL Typescript and Javascript), Styling and UI (Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, MUI, etc.), State Management (Redux, Context, etc.) , Caching , React Native, Expo
AWS cloud , Docker , Kubernetes , kubectl , Github Actions , Jenkins , Pipelines , IAAC with Terraform , Redis
Working on fundamental ML and DL algorithms (Regression, Classification, etc.), Recommendation systems, and Sentimental Analysis,Langchains , LLMs
Data Structures , Algorithms ,JavaScript , TypeScript , GoLang , Solidity, C++ , Java, Python
Python , Numpy , Fundamental Algorithms , Stocks,Commodities,Derivatives,Markowitz Modern Portfolio Diversification analysios ,Capital Asset PM,Stochastic Randomness Calculus,Weiner process,Black–Scholes mode ,etc [Fundamental theories + Moderate implementation]
Solidity, DeFi (Aave, Flashloans, Arbitrages, Pool Investments, Vaults, etc.), Starknet , DAO, NFTs, Tokens , ZKEVM, Infura, BNB,Alchemy, and other endpoints,Tools like Hardhat,Truffle, Brownie, Ganache, and integration with Ethers.js, Web3.js,
C,Arduino UNO , Cyber physical systems ,ESP 32 , Raspberry pi