% Rotordynamics example program
% Author: Svend E. Andersen (seran@mek.dtu.dk)
% Define shaft mesh and material
shaftDim = [500 250 250 % Length [mm]
10 20 15 % Outer radius [mm]
0 0 0 % Inner radius [mm]
6 3 3]; % Partition num ];
msh = Mesh(shaftDim, 'mm');
rotMod = RotorFEModel(msh.elements); % Initiate FE model
rotMod.addRayDamping(0, 5.3996e-05); % Add proportional damping
% Define machine elements
bearing1 = Bearing([10e2 0
0 10e2])
% Mount the elements
rotMod.addNodeComponent( 1, bearing1, 'internal')
rotMod.addNodeComponent(13, bearing1, 'internal')
rotMod.addNodeComponent( 7, Disc(1, 0.5, 0.5, 30e-3, 60e-3))
% Export rotor
rotorSystem = rotMod.export();
% rotSys =
% struct with fields:
% numDof: 52
% comps: {[1x1 Bearing] [1x1 Bearing] [1x1 Disc]}
% M: [52x52 double]
% K: [52x52 double]
% G: [52x52 double]
% D: [52x52 double]
% discs: {[1x1 Disc]}
% bearings: {[1x1 Bearing] [1x1 Bearing]}
% Define nodes of the model and where to find the M, G, K, and D matrices
nodes.bearA = 6;
nodes.bearB = 17;
nodes.wheel = 27;
ext = loadRotorMatrices('someDir');
rotMod = RotorFEModel(ext.M, ext.G, ext.K, ext.D); % Initiate FE model
rotMod.addRayDamping(0.1, 1e-05); % Add proportional damping
wheel = IntDisc(2000*1e-6);
rotMod.addNodeComponent(nodes.bearA, MagnetBearing)
rotMod.addNodeComponent(nodes.bearB, MagnetBearing)
rotMod.addNodeComponent(nodes.wheel, wheel)
% Export rotor and clean up
rotSys = rotMod.export(); delete(rotMod)
% rotSys =
% struct with fields:
% numDof: 116
% comps: {[1x1 MagnetBearing] [1x1 MagnetBearing] [1x1 IntDisc]}
% M: [116x116 double]
% K: [116x116 double]
% G: [116x116 double]
% D: [116x116 double]
% discs: {[1x1 IntDisc]}
% bearings: {[1x1 MagnetBearing] [1x1 MagnetBearing]}