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Victor Cuadrado Juan edited this page Mar 11, 2020 · 7 revisions

🚧 in construction 🚧

Minikube allows you to have a k8s cluster with either docker, containerd, or cri-o. By default you will get docker as container runtime, but you can select which by passing the env var MINIKUBE_RUNTIME, with either docker, containerd or cri-o.

As usual, you can obtain a minikube cluster with:

$> [..] BACKEND=minikube make k8s

You can deploy SUSE Cloud Foundry on top with:

$> [..] BACKEND=minikube make all

And delete your minikube VM with:

$> [..] BACKEND=minikube make clean

Start and stop

To start or stop the deployment, maybe because you are using a laptop, or don't want it to consume resources, do:

$> [..] BACKEND=minikube make stop


$> [..] BACKEND=minikube make start

All minikube options and defaults

As usual, in backend/minikube/

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