Reordered PnPL init function calls
Updated ioffset calculation: improved timestamp estimation for the first sensor data sample
Fixed missing ble_stream_params update once mlc file has been loaded
Updated DATALOG2 example: added support to hw tags when used with STEVAL-C34KPM1 only
Updated PDetect example: fixed depencency between inter-measurement time, exposure time and odr in ALS sensor + fixed TMOS-only use case (hard fault when selecting 1 TMOS only)
Hotfix in PRO example: fixed tags_info_set_sw_tag0__label and lps22df odr value
Managed missing ispu wrong PnPL command and wifi/ftp command responses
Added BLE Support for automode/Segmentation Mode
Updated DPU and SensorManager eLooM components
Updated HSD_PythonSDK
Aligned Device Template models, FWID and board catalog