IndoorGML data <-> OSM data
- This Converter handles only 2D IndoorGML data.
Byeonggon Kim(, Pusan National University
- InFactory ( : To generate IndoorGML.
- OSM ( : OSM wiki
- rapidxml ( : To read OSM(.osm),IndoorGML(.gml) file
- rapidjson ( : To read IMDF(.geojson) file
Dependencies should be pre-installed in your environment.
- Linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Windows
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
IN2OSM [inputfile_type] [outputfile_type] [inputfile_path] [outputfile_path].
For example,
IN2OSM OSM IndoorGML ./TEST.osm ./TEST.gml
IN2OSM IndoorGML OSM ./TEST.gml ./TEST.osm
- Video on how to work
- Simple User Guide
- Handling indoorgml in josm
- IMDF to IndoorGML Video (Not official)-dev branch
For Developer, we document source code description. see : MANUAL