Releases: STBrian/MC3DS-Texture-Maker
- The app now uses uvs data, that will allow adding support for others atlas in future versions
- Allows to open all supported Pillow image formats
- Settings added
- Option in settings to enable transparent background in preview frame
- Option in settings to allow resizing textures when tile size doesn't match
- Option in settings to set app theme
- Added Bedrock 1.19.30 rules file
- Added Java 1.6.1 rules file
- Added Java 1.13 rules file
- Added Java 1.17 rules file
- Added Java 1.20.3 rules file
- Fix exporting a texture when changed the atlas type and preview remain in the last one
- Fix reloading preview frame in main app from auto import when nothing was previously selected
- Fix thread crashing when replacing a texture and unable to open image
- Renamed 'Change' button -> 'Replace'
- Rules files now can use 'parents'
- Code optimizations
3DSTViewer changelog
- 3DSTViewer is now version 1.0.0
- Added texture info display
- Added option to disable transparency
- Added tool to show mipmaps #9
- Added option to export texture
- Improved error messages
- Executable renamed 'py3dstViewer' -> '3DSTViewer'
- Items box now uses a lighter widget, Treeview from Tkinter module. Resulting in a faster experience
- Now each element in the items box has a small icon with its texture to preview it
- Fixes label mismatch #8
- Update to latest py3dst module
- Py3dstViewer is version 0.5.1-dev
Hot-Fix Release
- After saving changes, the atlas remained upside down. Problem fixed
Releasing v2.0 officially! (Nothing changed since the last beta)
What is MC3DS-Texture-Maker?
MC3DS-Texture-Maker it's a tool with the main purpose of helping texture creators for Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition, to make their work easier.
Luma's LayeredFS feature is currently used to load custom textures into the game. But in order to create your own textures it is necessary to directly modify the atlas that contains all the blocks or items in the game. And considering that it is necessary to use external tools to convert these atlases from the original format to an editable image in which with your photo editor you need to manually place each texture that you want to change, and later convert that edited image back to the original format, it is a heavy task.
Additionally, the atlas containing the game blocks has several mipmap versions within the file that are not easily modified. For these complicated tasks I have developed this tool.
I need to warn you that if the executable is marked as a virus, the problem comes with PyInstaller (used to convert the script to an executable) which sometimes causes it to be detected as a virus. You can use the source code if it makes you feel unsafe, just make sure to install dependencies if necessary.
- Simple GUI
- Can modify vanilla atlas (other atlas soon)
- Almost all items and blocks supported (animated blocks are the exception)
- Auto Import will import textures from texture packs of other versions (currently Java 1.20 and 3ds edition, more soon.. again)
- Improved texture replacement
To learn more about the evolution since v1.0, please see the descriptions of past betas and alphas. If you have any questions about using the program, please check the tutorial in the README file of this repository, if you still have questions or problems you can create an Issue or contact me.
If the antivirus detects the executable as a virus, just ignore it, as it is a problem with PyInstaller that ends up throwing a false positive.
- Small fixes and improvements
- Fixed when trying to change the texture of a block from the main application and not working
- Improved 3dst conversion algorithm
- More image formats selectable when choosing textures
- 3dstViewer new GUI and options
After several months of changes, I think I can finally release the beta version 2.0. This means that no new features or relevant changes will be added if not necessary. These releases will focus on bug fixes and feedback.
If the antivirus detects the executable as a virus, just ignore it, as it is a problem with PyInstaller that ends up throwing a false positive.
Changes from v2.0-alpha4 as v2.0-alpha5 only fix a strange bug
- All blocks and items have their respective name that corresponds to the original name in the game files (at the exception of some that were not found in game files)
- Rules files changed, now are available "nn3ds 1.9.19"(default) and "Java 1.20". Both are full completed
- Renamed Auto Importer -> Auto Import (It didn't convince me)
- Fixed bugs with preview frame from the main app and tool Auto Import
- You can now find a little tool "3dstViewer" (you need to open a 3dst file with it, otherwise if you try to open it alone it won't do anything. In the future, it will probably be included in the main application as a tool, and an explorer)
- The program now will create individual files for each texture
I was told that the previous alpha wasn't working as expected, so I looked around and couldn't really understand why the executables from the last alpha aren't working as they should. So in this alpha I already tested the executables in different ways to verify that they are functional, so they should work now.
If the antivirus detects the exe as a virus, just ignore it, as it is a problem with PyInstaller that ends up throwing a false positive.
- Strange bug with previous alpha fixed
- Improved speed when updating the list
- Completed 1.20 rules file
- Added ini file to save preferences and last output path
- The app will open the last folder used
- Added the option to toggle between themes dark and light
- Implemented atlas class in main app to improve speed while changing textures individually
- In order to improve speed you now need to save changes manually with the new option in the File menu
- Changed the match percentage of coincidence for the search bar to allow more coincidences
- You'll be asked for unsaved changes before change the output folder or before exiting the app
- Added information to About (thanks Cracko c:)
- Added new class for index files
- Also now the importer will get the index files from main app (which does not affect anything)
CLI app version is now deprecated, so I will no longer upload new executables for that version
The time I was away on this project is because I was busy with other things in my life. Now that it's vacation I was finally able to get back to work on the app. So, here I bring you the third alpha of the GUI version of the app with a new and exciting tool.
Introducing the Auto Importer
With my free time, I was finally able to finish coding this tool that I have been waiting to do for several months. The Auto Importer. This new tool will help you import new textures into the atlas from a folder in your storage.
You can find it in the drop-down menu of the Tools category in the top menu bar.
The way it works is by choosing whether you are going to import into the items or blocks atlas.
Then you choose a rules file from the drop-down menu (this tells the program by what name it will be looking for the new textures in the folder, default3ds are the default names that come in the game's resource packs, 1-20 is to search by the names according to version 1.20 of the game)
If the previous point is complicated to understand, think that you have a folder with all the textures of the game items, but during each version of the game, the names for each texture change, and if you try to use the Auto Importer with the wrong names, it won't be able to import any texture :(. Let's say you get the folder from a texture pack compatible with 1.20, then the rules file you should use is 1-20.
The next thing you should choose is the folder where all your new textures that you are going to replace in your atlas are located. That is, the folder in which the Auto Importer will be looking for textures to import.
Finally, you just have to press the button that says Start, and wait for the process to finish. You'll know it's finished when the button becomes selectable again.
Then, all the information in the main window will automatically update.
It is important to emphasize that the Auto Importer will take as the output directory the one you have selected in the main window, so don't forget to set that before using the Auto Importer.
Hello, as I already said, these months I was busy, so I was absent everywhere. But in these days of rest I have been doing what I like most, working on my programming projects. So I hope you like the new tool, I still need to complete the rules files, but you can test the alpha and if you find any errors I would love you could tell me so I can fix them. Without anything else to say, I leave you with a bit of the changelog.
- New tool added the "Auto Importer"
- Rewrite of tex3dst module with fixes and additions
- New atlas class in the handling module for faster speed when changing textures (not yet applicable for the main application)
- Spelling fixes in indexes
- New frame for preview of the selected element
- Text when no element was selected is now below the preview frame
- The preview frame is always visible even if no element is selected
- Added option to export either in png or 3dst the element selected
I was working in improve my code for the application to make it faster and look better, and a lot changed internally. After researching I decided to implement a menu bar, so now you won't find the previously widgets of the app that were at the left of the windows, all will be concentrated in the menu bar. For now, I will continue coding the next features.
gui = For graphical interface
cli = For comand line application
- New menu bar added
- Left widgets were moved to menu bar
- Now you can select the output folder with a file explorer window
- Improved speed of item preview loading
- Some tasks were moved to diferent threads to avoid main window freeze
- Fixed linux compatibilities