A sleek and modern international payment system designed for banks.
JS Demons Payments Portal empowers customers to securely log in, register, and make international payments using the SWIFT method. This system prioritizes data security and integrity with robust encryption and validation.
- Malik Mannan - ST10091422
- Thato Sebelemetja - ST10067544
- Secure Authentication: User registration and login with robust password hashing.
- International Payments: SWIFT-based payments with support for various currencies.
- Responsive UI: Sleek and professional design built with React and Material UI.
- Real-time Processing: Integrated system for secure payment data storage.
- Employee Dashboard: Admin panel for payment verification and management.
Note: Other payment methods (Mastercard, PayPal, EFT) are currently unavailable in this release, with SWIFT as the primary method.
How To Run: You can follow the steps below or watch the video tutorial HERE:
Feature | Screenshot |
Home Page | |
Login Page | |
Customer Dashboard | |
Payment Information | |
Payment Details | |
Employee Dashboard |
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/IIEWFL/apds7311-part-2-js-demons.git
cd globalPaymentsPlatform
- Install Dependencies:
Navigate to the frontend folder and install the dependencies:
cd frontend && npm install
cd ../backend && npm install
Run the App:
- Frontend:
cd globalPaymentsPlatform/frontend npm start
The React app will now run at http://localhost:3000/.
- Backend:
cd ../backend npm run dev
The backend API will run at http://localhost:5000/.
Once the app is up and running, access it at http://localhost:3000/. Login using the preconfigured credentials provided in the test.http file.
- Dashboard: View and manage your payments.
- Add Payment: Enter payment details, including amount, currency, and SWIFT information.
- Payment Confirmation: Review and confirm your payment.
- Dashboard: View all payments made by users.
- Verify Payments: Confirm legitimate payments and mark them as "verified."
- Revert Payments: Revert payments to "pending" status if needed.
- Validation: Regex
- Security: bcrypt, JWT, Nodemon (for development)
├── globalPaymentsPlatform
│ ├── backend # Node.js/Express backend
│ │ ├── db
│ │ ├── keys # Private and public keys for the SSL Certificates
│ │ ├── middleWare
│ │ ├── models # Data models (for storing users, payments)
│ │ └── routes # API routes (login, register, payment)
│ └── frontend # Node.js frontend
│ ├── public # Public assets like index.html
│ └── src # React components and assets
└── README.md # Project documentation
This project utilizes CircleCI for continuous integration and SonarQube (SonarCloud) for code quality analysis.
- CircleCI: Automates the build, test, and deployment process. View the CircleCI pipelines for this project here
- SonarQube: Provides static code analysis to identify bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. View the SonarQube report for this project here
Note: A separate repo (https://github.com/ST10067544-Thato/JS-Demons-Payment-Portal) was used for testing due to GitHub Classroom visibility settings.