Note : For the website to function properly you need to install the following node module: Bulma calendar!
The innovative solution for every Fire Department in the world. 🔥
Our website systematizes, organizes and facilitates the work of the workers in the Fire Department and gives the citizens access to useful information.
Our work can be split on 2 main things :
- 👨💻 Back end - Local Storage :
- We store our date in localStorage.
- To store the date we stringify it and then store it in localStorage. When we need it, we just parse it with JSON.
- This method in not the most secure one, but it is good enought, as our main task is to present dynamic date and statistics.
- Fron end - Bulma :
- Bulma is CSS framework that is build on flexbox and grid system and create fully responsive webpage.
Here you can see how these two part combines and create our website:
To use the website, you need to have Node and npm installed. After that you can install the modules we have used by typing this in your terminal in the website directory:
npm install bulma-calendar
Other non-required, but recommended modules are :
npm install jsdoc
npm install node-localstorage
After that, just start the website by click on index.html in File Explorer.
To install our project on your machine you just need to clone it. This can be done by :
git clone cd fire-department-2021
Bulma-calendar, node-localstorage and jsdoc - Node modules.
Bulma - CSS Framework for Responsive design.
Miroslav Ivanov - MTIvanov19 - Scrum trainer
Stoyan Ivanov - SSIvanov19 - Back-end Developer
Kostadin Taligadzhiev - KNTaligadzhiev19 - Front-end Developer
Yoan Tanev - YHTanev19 - Designer