Authorization Middleware and Authenticator for Active Directory and JWT token
There are four ways to pass the token for validation: (1) in the Authorization
header, (2) as a cookie
, (3) as a POST
parameter, and (4) as a URL
query parameter. The middleware will look in those places in the order listed and return 401
if it can't find any valid token.
Method | Format |
Authorization Header | Authorization: Bearer <token> |
Cookie | "jwt_token": <token> |
URL Query Parameter | /protected?access_token=<token> |
Body Parameter | POST access_token=<token> |
npm install --save @ssense/jwt-active-directory
const authenticator = new Authenticator({
url: 'ldap://',
baseDN: 'dc=domain,dc=com',
username: '',
//username: 'CN=Authenticator,OU=Special Users,DC=domain,DC=com',
password: 'password',
logging: {
name: 'ActiveDirectory',
streams: [
level: 'error',
stream: process.stdout
authenticator.authenticate('', 'password')
.then(({auth, user, groups}) => {
if (auth) {
const token: string = authenticator.sign({user, groups}, 'no-so-secret-key', {
expiresIn: '1 day'
// your script ...
.catch((err) => {
or you can use authenticateAndSign(email: string, password: string, jwtKey: string, jwtOptions, jwtExtraClaims?: {})
authenticator.authenticateAndSign('', 'password', 'no-so-secret-key', {
expiresIn: '1 day'
// Optional claims argument
extra: 'payload options',
foo: 'bar',
hello: 'Worl!'
.then(({auth, user, groups, token}) => {
console.log('auth', auth);
console.log('user', user);
console.log('groups', groups);
console.log('token', token);
.catch((err) => {
import {authenticated} from 'jwt-active-directory';
// ... your code ...
app.get('*', authenticated({
allowed: ['*', 'Group 1', 'Antoher Group Allowed'], // list of groups allowed to enter this route
jwtKey: 'no-so-secret-key' // your jwt secret key
}), (req, res) => {
// your code
// access token with **req.token**
// do what you want we the new generate token
Middleware default options
options = {
allowed: [],
jwtKey: null,
queryKey: 'access_token',
bodyKey: 'access_token',
cookieKey: 'jwt_token',
headerKey: 'Bearer',
reqKey: 'token', // req.token
validateGroupKey: 'cn'
JWT validation depends only on validating the correct signature and that the token is unexpired.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.