Maintaining patient records in a hospital and booking appointments can be tedious processes. This hospital management system was created to provide a user-friendly interface for both patients and hospitals. Patients can use the system to book appointments, check available doctors in a particular hospital, and more.
This project caters to the needs of both patients and hospitals. Some of the main features include:
Patient Side:
Patient Signup & Sign in:
- Create a new account or sign in if you are an existing user.
Patient Details Page:
- View and manage your personal information.
Account Edit and Deletion:
- Modify your account details or delete your account if needed.
Medical History:
- Add, update, or delete your medical history.
Doctor Information:
- Access details of doctors, including reviews from other patients.
Search Doctors:
- Find doctors based on name and check details and review.
Save Payment ID:
- Save payment IDs for reference (No payment gateway integrated).
Doctor Reviews:
- Contribute and read reviews to make informed decisions.
Hospital Reviews:
- Share your feedback about hospitals.
Schedule Appointments:
- Book appointments with your preferred doctors.
Book Hospital Rooms:
- Reserve hospital rooms for your stay.
Admin Side:
See all tables from the admin panel:
- Check all the data of the patient and alter them easily.
Add Doctors and their Schedule:
- Directly add doctors, their attributes, and schedule.
Manage Room Bookings
- Check which room is booked and make them available for booking again.
View Payment Details
- View payment details of appointment bookings.
And many more management controls.
Feel free to explore and make the most of the system!
Clone the Repository:
git clone <repository-url>
Install Dependencies: (Preferably in a virtual environment)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Migrations:
python migrate
Create a Superuser (For Admin Panel):
python createsuperuser
Run the Development Server:
python runserver
Explore the Web Application: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8000/
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the development of this system.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.