Deploy an EKS K8 Cluster with Self managed Worker nodes on AWS using Terraform.
- Docker
- AWS user with programmatic access and high privileges
- Linux terminal
- Clone the repository
- Set environment variable TF_VAR_AWS_PROFILE
- Review terraform variable values in,, terraform.tfvars
- Configure AWS user with AWS CLI.
docker-compose run --rm aws configure --profile $TF_VAR_AWS_PROFILE
docker-compose run --rm aws sts get-caller-identity
- Specify appropriate Terraform workspace.
docker-compose run --rm terraform workspace show
docker-compose run --rm terraform workspace select default
- Run Terraform apply to create the EKS cluster, k8 worker nodes and related AWS resources.
./ terraform init
./ terraform validate
./ terraform plan
./ terraform apply
- (optional step) Deploy aws_auth configmap for the TF workspace with updated User, Role & Group mappings.
./ kubectl apply -f ./aws_auth_configmap_default.yaml
- Verify kubectl calls and ensure Nodes are in Ready state and Pods of daemonset aws-node and kube-proxy and deployment coredns are in Running status.
./ kubectl get nodes
./ kubectl get pods -A
- Upon initial terraform apply, perform the steps below to migrate TFstate from Local to AWS S3.
./ terraform init -force-copy
- Before terraform destroy, perform the pre-requisite steps below.
In, change the terraform_state_backend module argument as follows:
force_destroy = true
Perform terraform apply with resource targetting.
./ terraform apply -target module.terraform_state_backend -auto-approve
Remove the backend "s3" configuration in Run the below to have terraform copy state file from AWS S3 to Local.
./ terraform init -force-copy
proceed with Terraform destroy.
./ terraform destroy
Once Terraform destroy is complete, change the terraform_state_backend module argument in as follows:
force_destroy = false
- aws-eks-nodegroup-create-failed-instances-failed-to-join-the-kubernetes-cluster
Issue: Kubectl get nodes does not list the worker nodes.
Ensure instance_metadata_tags in metadata options is set to Disabled.
- 0.1
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details